Sunday, April 22, 2012

GOP Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds

The GOP constantly blames Mr. Obama for high gas prices, despite (1) more domestic drilling, (2) less foreign imports, (3) more exports of gas overseas, (4) record gas/oil/energy profits, (5) sustained oil subsidies, and as shown above, major permits issued under the Obama team to drill more and more.

So, how much more does the GOP expect? As much as they can milk from that cash cow (read: big contributions for their campaigns to get into office, or stay in office).

Careful, the GOP hypocrisy slip is showing.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

War on Women: GOP Says No - Is DEM Fantasy

Trans-vaginal Probe Device

Mandatory trans-vaginal probes; forced ultrasounds; made to watch; longer waiting time for even medically-sound abortion; and now has spread to some 34 states - all GOP-led legislatures.

If this is not big government intrusion (no pun intended), then one what is???

Will it matter in November - it should.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sex Education and Teen Pregnancies: What Works

The age-old question about teen pregnancies and whether abstinence (alone) works or not is kinda of answered here.

A couple of standout stats:

States with the highest and lowest teen pregnancy rates, take Mississippi for example, does not require sex education in schools, but when it is taught, abstinence-only education is the state standard. Mississippi continues to have the highest teen birth rate, with 55 births per 1,000 girls.

New Hampshire, on the other hand, requires comprehensive sex education in schools that includes abstinence and information about condoms and contraception. They have the lowest rate in the country, just under 16 percent.

Thus the headline holds true, I guess???

Teen Pregnancies Highest In States With Abstinence-Only Policies