Monday, May 27, 2013

GOP 2014 Formal Strategy: Repeal Obama-care — Their Necktie

At the End of the Day, the End of the Rope

WASHINGTON (AP) — If Republicans were writing a movie script for next year's congressional elections, the working title might be "2014: Apocalypse of Obamacare."

The plot: The rollout of President Barack Obama's health care law turns into such a disaster that enraged voters rebuke him by rewarding the GOP with undisputed control of Congress.

But there's a risk for Republicans if they're wrong and the Affordable Care Act works reasonably well, particularly in states that have embraced it. Republicans might be seen as obstinately standing in the way of progress.

"The end of this movie has not been written, it's a message of reality," says said Robert Blendon, a Harvard professor who tracks public opinion on health care.

"Obamacare" probably will be the biggest issue of 2014 and "an albatross around the neck of every Democrat who voted for it . This thing can't possibly work. It will be a huge disaster in 2014,says one of the most-prominent doomsayers: Senate Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

As noted: We have seen this film before ... the law already has been a political prop in two election seasons, but next year will be different. 

Voters will have a real program to judge, working or dysfunctional. Will affordable health care finally be a reality for millions of uninsured working people? Or will premiums skyrocket as the heavy hand of government upends already fragile insurance markets for small businesses and individuals?

I also present this from recent news — FYI: 

Obama care was designed to extend health insurance to many of the 49 million Americans without it and alter how healthcare is administered so as to curb the inexorable increase in healthcare spending.

Republicans in office all across the spectrum oppose the law continue to argued that the new provisions will result in high premiums, making Obama care likely to fail because the uninsured will not be able to afford coverage even with federal subsidies.  Yet, states like California, Washington, and Vermont have finally revealed what pricing structures will look like, indicating that premiums under Obama care will be even more affordable than previously expected.

Consumer advocates approve of the new health care exchanges. 

It’s a revolutionary improvement to move from a broken market where people are charged by how sick they are, to a competitive market where people pay what they can afford, based on a percentage of their income, on a sliding scale. Most consumers buying coverage in the individual market will get financial help and see their premiums go down,” says says Anthony Wright, executive director of advocacy group Health Access in a report to Reuters.

My message for Mr. and Mrs. Gee Old Poops: Move on this repeal strategy (again), and at your own risk ... why not pitch in and help make it work - that's why you're in office is to help people, right? What, that's not so ... okay, never mind, then.  

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