Monday, July 22, 2013

FOX Bashes Everything: It's Time to Bash Them Right Back

This from Columbia Journalism is a Keeper That Speaks Volumes 

When I first saw that cover, I immediately thought of FOX News, or as many like me call them: "Faux Gnus."

I have ranted awhile about what I see and perceive to be FOX's aim, goal, purpose, or whatever one chooses to call about what they do on the air and how they do it. They say it's "fair and balanced," but I have concluded a long time ago that it is "unfair and unbalanced," and at times, unhinged, too. Either way, it it not very professional or very journalistic in my opinion - many facts support my contention, too.

The following story hawked on FOX News comes from the Murdoch rag, the NY Post (links in the story), which is one of many sources in his media empire (News Corp.) holdings:

"Fox News continued its smear campaign against the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), previously known as food stamps, by hyping an evidence-free claim that recipients are using the program to send food overseas.

"A July 21 New York Post story claimed that low-income New Yorkers were using SNAP funds to purchase food to send overseas. 
"The Post based its claims on anecdotes from unnamed sources at two New York supermarkets that "confirmed the practice," but failed to include specifics. The anonymous woman that the Post provided as its sole example of the practice was not a SNAP beneficiary:

"Last week, a woman stuffed dozens of boxes of macaroni and evaporated milk into a barrel headed for her family in Kingston, Jamaica. She said she didn't have welfare benefits and bought the food herself.

"This is all worth more than $2,000," she said. "I've been shopping since last December. You can help somebody else, someone who doesn't live in this country."

"A man helping her pack the barrel said: "We're poor here, and they're poor. But what we can get here is like luxury to them."

SO, I ASK: Is this just "Free Press" at work? If so, then it underscores my contention about FOX and their efforts to undermine anything good about the country, and for what good purpose? 

That remains to be seen, but their actions disguised as news does demand close scrutiny and accountability -- a word that FOX does not know and certainly does not practice. 

So, where is the public outrage about this? 

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