Sunday, September 15, 2013

GOP's Twin Problem Plus Worn Out TEA Party Regulars

House "Weeper" Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Minority "Leader" McConnell (R-KY)
The GOP's Reel Problem They Won't Face

Apparently the TEA “party” drink is either too weak or too strong, depending on your taste, but right now the Grand Old Party has a mouth full as it were all over again. 

This headline from The AP story today kinda says it all: GOP must navigate growing divide with tea party

Highlights from the story: TEA “party” members are once again criticizing GOP leaders at seemingly every turn.

1.  They're demanding that Congress use upcoming budget votes to deny money for implementing President Obama's 2010 health care law (the ACA – called Obama-care).

2.  They even warn that the strategy could lead to a government shutdown.

3.  They're upset that Republicans didn't block a Senate-passed immigration bill.

4.  Many of them are outspoken opponents of any U. S. involvement in Syria's civil war.

A recent Pew Research Center survey found that more than 7 in 10 self-identified “TEA party Republicans” disapprove of the job performance of GOP congressional leaders. Many of their major groups are backing 2014 primary challengers against Republicans whom activists deem too moderate, including GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who once declared it his job to make Obama a one-term president. (How’d work out, Mr. McConnell)??? 

History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme,” as Mark Twain once quipped. We are about to see that all over again – place your bets.

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