Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Right Wing Media Weasels Are The Funniest of All Weasels

Sen. Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz (R-TX) 
Former Sen. Joe “Tail-Gunner” McCarthy (R-WI)

Right Wing media types are not only the funniest but the goofiest weasels found anywhere. This story proves my point (sort of). In part here: 

“Typically, when a politician gets compared to the late Sen. Joe McCarthy it’s not a compliment. But in a new column for right wing website WND, conservative radio host Barry Farber uses the analogy for Sen. Ted Cruz to make a point about how “brilliant” he is.” The column, titled “Why They’re After the Brilliant Ted Cruz,” examines the “other-wordly” reaction the Texas senator provokes.”

“When’s the last time a political figure drew such volcanic excoriation from left and right?” Farber writes. 

He continues: “Sen. Joe McCarthy drew it from the left. Sen. George McGovern drew it from the right. The hostility pattern that forms around Sen. Ted Cruz is rare, if not unique. It’s almost as if there’s a secret treaty among beltway insiders that deals with crowd-pleasing upstarts like Ted Cruz.” 

One wonders seriously whether Mr. Farber even knows the definition of the word “brilliant.” I am sure it must be someplace in the standard GOP-RW-TEA dictionary of silly terms filed under “combating common sense and documented facts generated by the DEMS and left wing media seeking to control America anyway possible” co-edited by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and marketed by FAUX Gnus.


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