Monday, November 18, 2013

Hard Fact: The DEMS Can't Govern and the GOPers Won't

Leading the Pack of Hypocrites

This story - and the way I see it, too - great rundown:

The key part of the story: Conservative opposition to Obama-care has always been fueled by comically bad faith, starting with the GOP’s initial, nakedly partisan disavowal of the plan.

To review: Obama-care was
hatched by the conservative Heritage Foundationembraced by President George H.W. Bush and Republican congressional leaders, and implemented at the state level by the guy who later won the GOP’s 2012 presidential nomination (Romney). 

Yet Democrats, including the White House, continue to make the mistake of taking the right’s knocks on Obama-care seriously. The latest example concerns the issue of delay.

As I said: The DEMS can't govern holding the reins of government, and the GOPers won't govern once they get that same power. Guess what: The GOPers want it all starting in 2014. Think hard about that prospect.

Continue story at the link above. Thanks for stopping by.

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