Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Limbaugh Ties Food Stamps, Obesity, Minority Kids in One Bundle

Rush Limbaugh Recently on His Radio Talk Show

GOP Approach to Combating Childhood Obesity: Limbaugh Told Them So

I can say without fear of contradiction that Rush Limbaugh has not missed many meals. And, with his multi-million dollar income (ultra hard work, right) it's not hard to see why he so easily bashes anyone on Food Stamps. But, this sick SOB reached a new low, if that's even possible this way:

On the December 3 edition of his show, he agreed that a Washington Times op-ed by James Bovard proved the theory that “more food stamps means fatter kids.” Limbaugh went on to assert that minority children were casualties of “Obama's obesity epidemic” because the “Democrat party has made everybody they can think they are victims” by giving them food stamps. 

Yet, this man has millions of followers - and that makes one wonder who those followers are. I suspect brain dead or surely no one who ever needed food stamps, right?

But, you know what, this is what most states post regarding food stamps to the citizens who inquire about the program (officially known as SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) from the USDA:  

What can I buy with my Food Stamps? 

You can buy certain foods such as: breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables, meats, fish, and poultry; and dairy products. You may also buy seeds and plants that produce food for you and your household to eat.

Food Stamps (via your EBT card - New York State example) may not be used to buy items such as: beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes, or tobacco. 

Nonfood items also are unacceptable, such as: pet foods, soaps, paper products, and household supplies. 

Food Stamps may not be used to purchase vitamins and medicines, or any food that will be eaten in the store, and hot foods. 

In some areas, restaurants may be authorized to accept Food Stamps from qualified homeless, elderly, or disabled people in exchange for low-cost meals.  

I would love to see a movement to get Limbaugh off the public airwaves, but it's just his right to “free speech” right?  Sure, so invoking my right to “free speech” again, I content that Limbaugh is one sick SOB.

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