Wednesday, January 8, 2014

GOP Exiting 2013 the Only Way Possible — Lockstep and Gloomy

GOP  Heading for 2014 - Whoops
(The south end of a north bound herd)

They Still Have These Going for Them
(Hardcore Religion, Big Money, Guns, Flag to Wrap Themselves)

The year 2013 is in the history books and now the GOP heads for 2014 and the midterm elections with high hopes to keep the House (and even increase that majority) and retake the Senate. But, 2013 was not very good for the Grand Old Party ... not one bit.

This story from Talking Point Memo caught my eye and probably your attention, too with this part about a recent Gallup poll and political parties:  "Gallup released its annual party identification report, which is an average of periodic polls throughout the year. On average in 2013, just 25 percent of Americans said they identified as Republicans." 

That can't be good news for the GOP. But, they can be proud - since they earned every percentage point of those falling numbers. Congrats.

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