Thursday, January 23, 2014

GOP Lacks Critical Thinking Skills and Facts 100%

Even Doonesbury Knows the Score 
(But, Not a Laughing Matter)

A Scene the GOP Obviously Hates
(Happy Voters Making their Voices Heard)

Update and Notice (January 23, 2014): I moved my voter suppression page here from SWAG where it fits more nicely. Hope you approve. No matter what your view is on this whole issue, I strongly believe that the GOP is on the wrong side of it and history.

The GOP's reaction to this story from MSNBC is a typical GOP denial reaction, part:

A voting report released Wednesday by a bipartisan presidential panel offers a frank rebuke to Republicans working to make voting harder — especially through cuts to early voting. And the GOP is already working to limit the report’s impact.

“The administration of elections is inherently a state function so I do not believe that new one-size-fits-all Washington mandates would be of assistance,” Rep. Candice Miller, a former Michigan secretary of state and the House GOP’s point person on voting issues, said in a statement.

The Republican National Lawyers Association, a group of GOP election lawyers that has played a key role in advancing voting restrictions, echoed Miller’s view.

Initially, this update, one of many, comes from MSNBC — it sets the scene. 

That is followed by this short segment from HARDBALL about voter ID laws: "Voter ID will ensure Romney wins in PA. Done..." remember that sound byte??

Original posts follow from here.

Update (January 14, 2014): Comes from this Interesting news. My key points are highlighted in RED. This whole “movement” opens up all sorts of nonsense ploys and dirty tricks, all except that is: voter fraud. In essence, it is a bogus issue for GOPers to run with, and boy are they ever running and spreading it – pretty thick, too, cited in this story from Ohio.

In the deal just announced for Ohio, they have agreed to participate in the “Interstate Voter Registration Cross-Check” program, known as “Cross-Check,” dreamed up and run by Kansas Republican Secretary of State Kris Kobach (do the research on him). His program aims to identify voters registered in more than one state.  Ohio had been sued in federal court by two conservative groups — True the Vote, the TEA “Party” linked group that stokes concern over voter fraud, and Judicial Watch — seeking to force states to clean up their voter rolls.

Typical press release from True the Vote: “Dirty election rolls can lead to voter and election fraud.” However, voting-rights advocates say Cross-Check makes it too easy to wrongly remove voters from the rolls and thus deprive them of their Constitutional right to vote. Speaking to MSNBC recently, Keesha Gaskins, at the time a senior counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU, called the Kobach program “...more of a purge mechanism.”

Ohio State Senator Nina Turner added: “It’s a really inefficient system. It produces a lot of false positives, so it’s very easy to throw somebody off the rolls who is legitimately eligible to vote.”

Ohio Under Secretary of State, GOPer, Jon Husted, has already been officially participating in Cross-Check. Husted said back in May that 20 people who may have voted in both Ohio and another state had been flagged via the program, and referred to prosecutors. Recently Ohio Republicans passed legislation aimed at making it easier for Husted to cross-reference voter rolls with out-of-state databases.

My view: How about this for dirty tricks tactics?  X-state loads a few names from Y-state who are valid voters, and then claims fraud by those voters for appearing on two state voter rolls (where they neatly placed the set of names)??? Sounds silly, doesn’t it. I would put nothing past the GOP in their effort to win an election ... this voter suppression and purging is a red herring and ghost issue, but a real possibility for them to win at all costs.

I strongly believe that the onus for stopping and heading off fraud is at the lowest level – the county election offices where people register to vote and where active voter rolls are maintained. I have seen simple, stupid little errors locally where even I saw my address entered wrong on the rolls and in the same place I have voted for 20 years.

How About this Point: The National UFO Reporting Center records show there were 47,000 reports of UFO sightings between 2000 and 2010. During the same period, just 13 people were convicted of impersonating someone else in order to vote. The study is according to research conducted by Justin Levitt, Associate Professor of Law, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles.


And, this excellent example of an elderly voter hampered in her effort to vote (there are hundreds of other examples that impact Seniors, Vets, College Students, Minorities, and thousands of American voters): 

Original Post Starts from Here: Despite some scattered efforts by states to improve voting access, the right to vote took a big step backwards last year (after the 2012 results were final). Republican legislatures in mostly RED states across the country continued to advance restrictive voting laws, while a major Supreme Court ruling (Shelby County v. Holder) badly weakened the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965.

Additionally, Republican-controlled states are poised to continue the push for regressive voting laws. Next month, for example, perennial swing state Ohio will likely pass measures that: (1) back on early voting, (2) same-day registration, and (3) it harder to vote absentee. That’s a recipe for longer lines at the polls, threatening a re-run of 2004, when some Ohioans waited over 10 hours to vote. A voter ID bill is also said to be in the works, though its chances of passage are far less certain.

Keep in mind that voting is the most fundamental right of all American rights — the right to vote and choose the kind of government we want, not what someone tells us they think we need.

Stay tuned - this story has legs. But this small victory is big step to winning and keeping the right to vote and seeing the things discussed hampering it stopped dead in their tracks.

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