Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fox Gnus Assessment: Ignore the Facts and Stick with Opinion

A Good Campaign Issue for the DEMS 

In fact, I’d go further and say that this is a great issue for DEMS, however, they can’t rely on any positive coverage from FOX, let alone much coverage at all on this subject or facts surrounding it.

Case in point: This story (my highlights are below) comes from a good piece that FOX totally ignores from and from a  very smart and level-headed guy who really knows this stuff, Ezra Klein. His story is here.

Media coverage of a new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report on the economic effects of raising the minimum wage has largely missed the finding that a $10.10 minimum wage would generate net income gains of $2 billion, Ezra Klein pointed out. 

This month President Obama signed an executive order raising the hourly minimum wage to $10.10 for federal contract workers. According to a CBO study released February 18, the increase could reduce total employment by about 500,000 workers, but would also raise wages for 16.5 million workers and raise 900,000 people out of poverty.

The point I want to reinforce comes from the FOX bunch: They are not covering the positive aspects of this story. Why is that? Oh, I forget. FOX is in bed with the GOP, or should I say that they are leading the GOP, and especially by ignoring this kind of good news or any other good news story instead for their line of BS spin.

This story and contents have good social progressive value and news for low-income/part-time workers and those who work hard in two or three job just to earn a decent salary and a fair shake and share of America ... that’s not asking too much. Just don’t ask FOX about that, you won't like the answer.

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