Monday, February 24, 2014

GOP-RW Conservatives: Take this Maggot Off Your Guest List

Ted Nugent: GOP/Rightwing/NRA/Conservative FAV

This headlines here from Media Matters (February 24, 2014) is very disconcerting:  

“NRA's Nugent Warns of 'Power Struggle Between the Different Races' as U.S. Becomes Like Nazi Germany

WTF??? Tell me, why do so many people just like Ted Nugent keep getting the national spotlight and sucking all the oxygen out of the air with this kind of coverage? This same question also applies to the likes of a Sen. Ted Cruz, or Sen. Rand Paul, or Sen. Marco Rubio, or Rep. Louis Gohmert, or Gov. Nikki Haley, or Gov. Bobby Jindal, of Gov. Scott Walker, or the Koch brothers, or most others cut from that same cloth who appear mostly on FOX and rightwing Talk Radio. Truly, why do we tolerate them and their garbage speech?

Most will say it’s “Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech,” and that is fully understandable and I totally support both. But, what the hell ever happened to responsible speech and non-inflammatory speech. In short, it’s slanted opinion, for sure, and yes, we all have strong opinions, but whatever happened to facts and honesty vs. this kind of Nugent crap.

The exposure they constantly get is irresponsible and has one purpose as far as I can determine: divide and keep the country on edge with uncertainty. What does it say about us as a people and society? Um ... most will say: freedom to speak anyway one wants, but I ask again: Why do we tolerate such a low standard over national airwaves.

Never mind, and well, alrighty then. The story stands as is. 

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