Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Øpen Mouth, Ïnsert Foot, Ñext Senate Leader: Büllshït

Senate Kills Minimum Wage (GOP Millionaires Rally 'round their Wallets)

The GOP killed the minimum bill (only one GOPer voted “Yes” – Sen. Corker from TN). 

The vote tally can be seen here. This is an interesting analysis of that vote in part from MSNBC

Republicans continue to show no interest in budging on this issue. They are playing poker, gambling since they believe they are poised to make gains in the 2014 midterm and take control of the Senate, while retaining the House. So, the earliest Americans can expect progress on the issue would be in 2017, barring an unexpected boost in progressive turnout later this year to give the DEMS an airtight 60 votes.

In theory, GOP lawmakers are risking a public backlash by uniting against such a popular economic issue. However, the Republicans are again gambling and working from the assumption that those struggling most probably won’t even turn out to vote – and those assumptions are generally true (graph seen here).

The GOP would have us believe that raising the minimum wage is a “job killer” – it is not. They also want us to believe that most minimum wage workers are teens on their first job and thus don't care about a pay hike. That is so false I can't begin to say how much. But, a few stats might help and an excellent segment here:

1.  About 3.6 million Americans were earning at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour in 2012, and those people were not all high school students flipping burgers.

2.  About half of them were 25 or older, a little more than one-third were working full-time, and a little less than three-fourths had graduated from high school; many have families to support, too.

3.  Working full time for minimum wage would take home an annual salary of $15,080. That’s a shade higher than the poverty threshold for a household containing two adults, and about $8,000 less than the poverty line for a family of four.

4.  These are the workers who answer your customer service calls, deliver your pizzas, take care of your children, bag your groceries and serve your food. 

The GOP is flat out wrong on this issue. Will the public respond in November? We can only hope

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