Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Back to the Future: The GOP Will Hate Making That Trip

One Historical Fact

Then add this historical fact to the current long and growing list of GOP/Rightwing crap about the Sgt. Bergdahl - Detainee exchange. 

In this segment (about 15 minutes), please note the remarks of President Ronald W. Reagan re: the Iran-Contra scandal that he was behind: Arms and a lot of them for hostages. 

Bergdahl will have his day in court, maybe or maybe not, just like Ollie North had his and then he was later let off the hook. 

What is amazing is the current GOP is very selective in their memory loss. It's as if they are able to control events based on their desire for more political power in Congress. Gosh, couldn't be that could it?

Let's hope the public sees it for what it is.

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