Friday, June 20, 2014

Rightwing Weasels Popping Champagne Corks: Bush Vindicated

Across RED America: Bush-Cheney Vindicated - Let's Party

Destroyed aerial bombs at Saddam Hussein's chemical-weapons production facility

Not So Fast
(Iraqi Nerve Agent Lab after U.S. bombing)

Breaking story and the GOP is about to have kittens. Here in part:

Washington — Sunni extremists (ISIS) have occupied what was once Saddam Hussein's premier chemical-weapons production facility, a complex that still contains a stockpile of old weapons, U.S. State Department and other government officials said.

The officials don't believe the militants will be able to create a functional chemical weapon from the material. The weapons stockpiled at the Al Muthanna complex are old, contaminated and hard to move, officials said.

Further from that Bush-era: “Two wars, sanctions and UNSCOM oversight reduced Iraqi's premier production facility to a stockpile of old damaged and contaminated chemical munitions (sealed in bunkers), a wasteland full of destroyed chemical munitions, razed structures, and unusable war-ravaged facilities.” (Source: Iraq Study Group 2004 report (CIA cite link) concluded.

The CIA's summary is here from their assessment posted April 23, 2007. It contains graphic figures of photos from that summary stated this way:

"The entire Al Muthanna mega-facility was the bastion of Iraqi’s chemical weapons development program. During its peak in the late 1980s to early 1990s, it amassed mega-bunkers full of chemical munitions, and provided Iraq with a force multiplier sufficient to counteract Iran’s superior military numbers. Two wars, sanctions and UNSCOM oversight reduced Iraqi’s premier production facility to a stockpile of old damaged and contaminated chemical munitions(sealed in bunkers), a wasteland full of destroyed chemical munitions, razed structures, and unusable war-ravaged facilities."

My view: Is there no length or depth that the GOP will go while carting out Dark Dick and his daughter, flashing William Kristol and Paul Wolfowitz and a few others across the media world, all advocating that they were right all along about invading Iraq, and that Mr. Obama is dead wrong and now we must go back to Iraq and finish the job (again, again, again, and I guess now once again).

I do however, having posted this agree that we will hear a lot more on this and I suspect the GOP-led house will want to hold hearings ... okay, may I suggest they start by hauling Bush-Cheney-Rice-Wolfowitz-Rumsfeld, and a few others from that era and their raggedy asses there first.

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