Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Name of Place for 100 Weasels to Gather: Easy — U.S. Senate

Logo snatched from THE DAILY show ... 
(watch video segment below)

Jon Stewart, in his usual delivery style of a serious topic with humor that makes you think, on the DAILY SHOW nailed the Senate and a handful of hypocritical senators about their rabid stance over the Iranian “nuclear deal” which BTW is not yet a done deal. It again shows the raw hypocrisy of the GOPers and even joined by a few DEMS. 

Watch the segment here especially the first 9 minutes. At the conclusion Stewart talks about only needing 50 votes (a simple majority) to go to war, yet requiring 67 votes to override a presidential veto aimed at ensuring peace (the Iranian forthcoming deal – hopefully). How pathetic is that Senate rule? Surely it is something to think about isn't it? 

This is how I rate the current senate and their harsh stance on this issue and GOP insistence to block and shame and insult Mr. Obama anyway possible. Especially those like Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), whom I consider extremely bloodthirsty and anxious for more war – this time with Iran. I don't dislike the possible positive outcome, but the Senate's method of getting there sucks.

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