Saturday, May 2, 2015

No Matter the Loophole Size, a Snake Will Slither Through

John Ellis (Jeb) Bush: Pretty damn good at slithering it seems

This story, which is no big surprise to many like-minded folks like me who hates big money from a handful fat cats trying to buy the White House — with a hearty thanks to the USSC and Citizens United (2010) 5-4 ruling that unleashed this nasty anaconda on us.

All is left for Mr. Bush now is to kowtow like there is no tomorrow - and  quite frankly there might not be one, either. His campaign logo might very well be this symbol (Kowtow) and his motto could very well be: "Hey, it's the law and it's legal, and I'm following it to the letter - so what?"

As I said, this major event is pretty disgusting, and as I also said, many of us already suspected this would happen. Even former Justice John Paul Stevens warned Citizens United in his dissent: “This ruling threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation. The path the Court has taken to reach its outcome will, I fear, do damage to this institution.”  

From the article: Mr. Bush is taking things to an entirely new level. He is putting off his official entry into the 2016 race so he can raise vast sums for a super PAC that’s supposed to be entirely independent of his all-but-certain campaign. 

By not officially jumping in the race, Mr. Bush does not have to abide by the “hard money” rules of presidential campaigns, which cap primary donations at just $2,700 per individual.

He’s raising unlimited funds for his "Right to Rise" super PAC.

Recall that "Super PAC" sprang to life in the wake of that awful 5-4 ruling in Citizens United decision, wherein they can accept unlimited donations from wealthy individuals and from corporations. The only rule: they must operate independently of a candidate’s official campaign operation.

The word ‘candidate’ is key. Since Bush isn’t yet an announced candidate, he is essentially exploiting a loophole in the law and soliciting for his own super PAC.

Why so many are opposed to the Super PAC's? Simple, this ruling that says: [...] until Mr. Bush says the magic words I’m running for president, he can raise as much money as he wants, and we expect him to do exactly that like we have never seen before. Then watch a few others jump on that gravy train and ride it for all it's worth and believe me, it's worth plenty, right Mr. Adelson, Koch Brothers, et al, um??

The Citizens United ruling and this loophole will be in my view the ruination of our country ... also keep in mind that a loophole also resembles a noose.

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