Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Bring in the Clowns: They Say They Have Their Act Together Now — Let's See

Reference: 9-11 First Responder's Relief Bill
(failed since 2010 - thanks GOP)

The headlines from here sets the stage and is very revealing about the present GOP:
This Time, Republicans Are Backing 9/11 Health Legislation
WASHINGTON — What a difference five years make. Unlike in 2010, when Congress nearly failed to pass the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, Republicans on Thursday embraced the renewal of a key part of the act, predicting that it would pass easily.

“The bill needs to be passed,” says Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The committee held its first hearing on reauthorizing the health portion of the Zadroga law, which provides health benefits to 9/11 responders and is set to expire this fall.
That headlines is a far cry from this one in 2010: 
Senate GOP blocks 9/11 First Responders Health Plan Bill
Back then, that same Rep. Fred Upton along with most other Republicans in Congress voted against the measure repeatedly. It was only able to pass shortly before Christmas, when many members of Congress had already left for the holiday.

As for me: I would record that 2010 session and that defiance for that funding by this nearly identical GOP to be one for the history books as the most-despicable act ever. That is why it needs to be front and center in our minds forever every election cycle just like now.  
This harsh overly partisan GOP are like zebras – they can never change their stripes except when cornered like the rats they are.

Thanks for stopping by and keep this subject in mind.

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