Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Liar is a Liar No Matter the Scale of the Lie; Day or Night It's Still a Lie Regardless

Call the White House or Go On-line to Get Yours for a 
Small Donation to Trump 2020 
(Stephen Miller is standing by)

No one likes Hitler comparisons, but sadly today, it can't be avoided.

It is astonishing how so many people (weak-minded I surmise) work so hard to try and defend Trump no matter what the issue is. Why? Out of some misguided trust, no, more like out of their hatred for DEMS and anything that is not GOP-Conservative related, spoken, written, and implied... it is indeed truly amazing and mind-boggling.

For example: The more Trump uses the term “Fake News” about anything he dislikes or disagrees with, then the more he and they sound just like Herr Doktor Joseph Goebbels* barking for his master's ideology about “The BIG LIE Theory.”

* Goebbels perfected the technique known as The Big Lie which he described as this way:  “It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”

That theory if you recall was an expression coined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 book “Mein Kampf (My Struggles)” that he wrote while in prison cell. Basically, it says that the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could even have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously” is unbelievable. Yet it is – hence the “big lie” theory was born.

Does that sound like Donald J. Trump today? You bet your ass it does and 100%.

A lookback at a string of lies and BTW: he has now hit the 2,000 mark in the number of his lies - tracked by the Washington Post in this video:

Trump will say something – anything in fact – and he expects his followers to believe it without question hook, line, and sinker and further without a second thought – with only their blind obedience. 

And, also seen in this video segment:

My final 2 cents added to all that:

I prefer to say that Donald J. Trump is a “serial liar.” 

There is no doubt whatsoever about that in my mind. Now the Washington Post shows he has lied 2,000 times since taking office … how can anyone rationalize that? Simple: no one can.

Also, now our country, the leader in democracy and such for one more day tolerate this man in office as our president – that alone is way beyond any belief.

We are now in the eyes of the world at the lowest point of just about any other so-called free world nation at any time in history – short of the Stalin and Hitler reins of terror. People around the globe gasp in horror at him and his antics.

We may never recover... imagine the standard he sets for young person when normally the president sets the highest example and standard above all other – not now when that young person can say: “I can lie all I want and anytime I want to just like President Trump does – so it must not be bad to lie, right?”

How his immediate family stands by him is truly amazing. And, for those in the White House, well, they apparently have zero honor and total lack of pride or a single drop of concern or care in the world about the country as each day they stand up and speak for him, clarify his words, and in essence prop him up with their string of excuses for his blatant lies that the entire planet knows. How they do that astonishing and mind-boggling to say the least.

I guess they do it for job security, the money, and prestige of being in the White House, but with such a man as Trump is incomprehensible – at least to me.

Finally, for all the Trump supporters – the ones who stick by him no matter what he says or does, the ones who say they like this style and words and such – where in the world is your dignity, honor, patriotism, and love of country that you spout about the time as you bash other Americans?

Tell us, in all honestly, how do you sleep at night?

There is only one way to counter thatWith the truth and facts on a regular basis and that is the challenge for all of us and society in general in my view.

Thanks for stopping for this moment in time.

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