Sunday, June 17, 2018

Like the Expression: "The Hits Just Keep on Coming" — So Does the Trump Camp

Not Birds of the Feather in Any Sense

Thanks to for putting out the Washington Post story (linked below) that tells us they have “learned of yet another shady 2016 meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian national. And, yet again, the purpose was to get dirt on Hillary Clinton.”

The Washington Post’s Manuel Roig-Franzia and Rosalind Helderman reported report that in late May 2016, longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone met with a Russian national calling himself “Henry Greenberg” at a restaurant in Sunny Isles, FL.

Noteworthy: At that point, Stone was not officially part of the Trump campaign

However, Michael Caputo (and more here on him, too), a longtime business associate of Stone’s who was still on the Trump campaign at that point, had arranged the meeting. 

The topic, Stone and Caputo now admit to the Post reporters, was to get damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

However, as is invariably the case when we learn of meetings like this, Stone and Caputo insist that nothing actually ended up coming from it. Stone’s current story about this meeting he’s only now disclosing is that he was asked for $2 million for the information, but Stone turned it down because he knew Trump was too cheap to pay for it.

Stone and Caputo claim that they then both “forgot” about the meeting, per the Post — neither mentioned it during sworn testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, and Stone has previously claimed that he never talked “to anybody who was identifiably Russian” in the relevant period. Caputo says he was only reminded that it happened when special counsel Robert Mueller’s team asked him about it in a grand jury interview last month.

We don’t yet know whether there’s any larger import to the meeting, or whether it was connected to other secretive events like Donald J. Trump Jr. Trump Tower meeting (which took place about two weeks later). But it’s probably best not to take the participants’ word for what went on at face value, considering they are only now bothering to admit that it even took place.

Stone and Caputo seem to be strategically leaking this and trying to spin it on their terms.

This news is stunning, but at the same time, not surprising since it involves the Trump campaign team and adviser and consultants or whomever. So, in that regard it is not a big surprise.

What is astonishing, however, as this all unfolds for the whole story to come out – which BTW, it will – is the depth of the plot from the Trump campaign team to try and win the 2016 election by chance, choice, slickness, or shear happenstance.

So, a simple wow will suffice right now as we wait for more breaking new like this Roger Stone story and the final Mueller reports and hopefully the last nail as it were.

So stay tuned.

And, thanks for stopping by.

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