Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Trump Reaches Last Ladder Rung: Cruel Hatred and Callousness for Immigrants

C'mon, c'mon ICE is waitin’ for you make up your mind. 
/s/ DJT

INTRODUCTION:  Seems Trump forgot this big piece of American immigration history. So is part of it for his edification, since he seems to needs lots of edification even on the most-basics of American history, government, and the rule of law, etc:

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”The words at the base of Lady Liberty in New York harbor part of Emma Lazarus’s famous 1883 sonnet The New Colossus” (1884)

WASHINGTON — Following a court order to reunite more than 2,000 migrant children who were separated from their parents in May and June, the Trump administration has instructed immigration agents to give those parents two options: (1) leave the country with your kids — or (2) leave the country without them.

That according to a copy of a government form obtained by NBC News – the one ICE agents will get the parents to sign.

Noteworthy: This new ICE directive does not allow parents who were separated from their children under the Trump-Sessions “zero tolerance policy” to reunite with their children while they await a decision on asylum, which happens to be the exact kind of protection sought by thousands of migrant families fleeing violence in Central America.

These are the new instructions from Trump to ICE on the form Agents are directed to read to detained parents instructs them to sign next to one of the following only two option statements:

1.  “I am requesting to reunite with my child(ren) for the purpose of repatriation to my country of citizenship,”


2.  “I am affirmatively, knowingly, and voluntarily requesting to return to my country of citizenship without my minor child(ren) who I understand will remain in the United States to pursue available claims of relief.”

Noteworthy: The ICE agents are instructed to read the form in a language the immigrant understands, which usually means Spanish, but it can be hard to find  

My 2 Cents: I now further conclude w/o any doubt or reservation that Trump is a cold hard callous racist bastard who claims “heart and fairness” but not for immigrants like these recent arrivals who crossed our Southern border.

Where in the hell are the challenges and high-court ruling on this obviously “cruel and unusual punishment for those seeking refuge in our country and with their small children in thousands of cases?” 

I ask anyone: Is this the America we have become in the last 242 years since our immigrant forefathers made America what it has been at least until now: The beacon for democracy and for millions of people fleeing war, famine, crime, and abuse for the life and safety here?

As I stated above, Trump is cruel and callous and I stick by those words. Worse is that those who support him are just as bad. 

I ask them: Where did your ancestors arrive here from and what was their status? Mine fled hunger and famine.

How can anyone look at Trump and call him honorable in any sense of that word?

I recall that Michelle Obama once got bashed for saying how proud she was of the country for electing her husband, a black man. Then the far right-wing ran like crazy with her words out of context implying that she had been ashamed of the country – she was not and did not say or imply that in any way.

However, in this case, I can say honestly that I am ashamed of Trump for his actions and hatred toward immigrants, and I am ashamed of this all GOP-led Congress for its inaction.

This is a critical issue and the GOP is not acting in any humane way. Why am I not surprised?

Thanks for stopping by.

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