Sunday, July 8, 2018

Two Quick Hot Issues: With Trump Finger Prints All Over Them and Both Awful

Two GOP problems and one solution for their Right and the NRA

Sub-heading of that story: “Conservative hypocrisy on abortion and guns is part of a much larger far-right power grab, built on dangerous lies”

My, my sometimes the other shoe does in fact fit the other foot…


This got a lot of attention – will GOP women now turn on Trump

Trump truly lost it with that story. This is one of the top most-disgusting policy moves by Trump, perhaps ever.

… his attempt was nasty, ugly, pathetic, and very un and anti-every word about every women and babies that one can think of. 

My Q: Who in the Hell is advising Trump on this kind of moronic approach to decent government?  This has the stench of Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller all over it. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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