Monday, December 3, 2018

How Long Will Trump Loyalists Stick by Him: The End and Chaos Both Nearby

Trump die-hard loyalists cite the top and ignore the bottom

Absolutely excellent article – hard to dispute Charles Blow’s assumptions all built on facts to date – whole article here (NY TIMES via MSN).


“I no longer think that anyone in America, including Donald Trump’s most loyal supporters, can afford to put off the consideration of the central question of this administration: What if Donald Trump or those closest to him were compromised by the Russians or colluded with them?

“There have always been those of us on the left who viewed his presidency as compromised, asterisk-worthy if not wholly illegitimate, because of the Russian interference.

“A crime had been committed by Russia and Trump cheered the crime and used the loot thereof to advance his candidacy. That is clear.

“The Russians made repeated attempts to contact people in Trump’s orbit and in some cases were able to meet with members of the team, as evidenced by the Trump Tower meeting. That is clear.

“Members of Trump’s team were extremely interested in and eager to accept any assistance that the Russians could provide. That is clear.

“And since assuming office, Trump has openly attempted to obstruct justice and damage or impede the investigation into what the Russians did and whether anyone in his orbit was part of the crime. That too is clear.

Noteworthy and I add this story from the Washington Post via MSN  – with this headlines:

Trump says Michael Cohen deserves a ‘full and 
complete’ sentence

The Fixer just got the Shaft

Noteworthy is the Trump early morning tweet regarding Cohen and possible jail time:

You mean he can do all of the TERRIBLE, unrelated to Trump, things having to do with fraud, big loans, Taxis, etc., and not serve a long prison term? He makes up stories to get a GREAT & ALREADY reduced deal for himself. ... He lied for this outcome and should, in my opinion, serve a full and complete sentence.”
George Conway@gtconway3d
File under “18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1512”
That tweet rebuttal is very noteworthy since it was made by George Conway, Kellyanne Conway’s husband – and she is Trump's senior advisor.

Her hubby is in essence telling the world that Trump is violating the law cited here from Cornell Law: “18 U.S. Code § 1503: Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally and this cited from the DOJ here the same 18 U.S. Code § 1512 Tampering with victims, witnesses, or informants.”

My bottom line today: Trump has to be removed from office – ASAP would be just fine.

Thanks for stopping by.

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