Saturday, March 16, 2019

Stephen Miller Trump's Go-To W/H Senior Advisor: Avowed Racist Record for Years

Miller's hand signal done by accident or by clever design
(With him it's always on purpose)

Original story of that photo of Stephen Miller, Trump key W/H Advisor here first from Daily Kos (February 21, 2017) sets the stage for this discussion.

Next Snopes (February 22, 2017) raises questions about the Daily Kos article and their assumptions.

Then, the Southern Poverty Law Center offers more insight to what that hand symbol means or does not mean in clear terms.

The bottom line: Decision about the sign or signal and meaning is up to the readers – I offer key parts that I believe are important to anyone reaching any decision about the “hand sign” which follows”

Daily Kos Highlights: Take a look at the guy in the picture above: That’s Stephen Miller, senior advisor to Donald Trump.  He’s also an avowed racist; that’s what his friends and family say. He has openly disparaged blacks, Latinos, and Asians throughout his school career, from high school to Duke University, where he palled around with white supremacist leader Richard Spencer

He continued his racist streak when he interned with Jeff Sessions and now spends his days trying to out-bigot the other white supremacist named Steve in Trump’s White House.  No wonder David Duke adores him.  

Now look at the picture – a screen shot of Miller that was used in the headlines for The GuardianNew York Dailyand Washington Post (the president will not be questioned). 

He made headlines that day for defending the Muslim ban by saying Trump's actions “will not be questioned!” You might think that’s an odd natural gesture to make. And it is.  

What Miller is doing is completely intentional: His right hand, three fingers. Three fingers form “W” and his left hand curls to make the “P” formation.  

Together: WP = White Power. The ADL says this is a common white supremacist hand sign.

Snopes Highlights: On February 21, 2017, web site Daily Kos shared a photograph of White House advisor Stephen Miller, along with a claim that the image clearly shows him using a hand gesture that signifies white nationalism.

The photograph was taken February 12, 2017 by Reuters photographer Joshua Roberts shortly before Miller appeared on Face the Nation with this caption: “Senior White House Advisor Stephen Miller waits to go on the air in the White House Briefing Room in Washington, U.S., February 12, 2017.”

It is impossible to tell, in the absence of additional images or video to use for comparison purposes whether Miller was deliberately using a hand gesture of any sort or whether this picture simply captured him during a fleeting moment while he was adjusting his tie and jacket. We have reached out to Roberts to see if any such footage is available.

However, the position of Miller’s hands do not match the white power hand symbol image provided by the ADL. Evidence that Miller was actually using a controversial gesture is slight at best, and most likely the image simply captured him in the act of adjusting his outfit just before appearing on camera.

SPLC Analysis: Dismissing the spread of the hand signal as a hoax overlooks two hard realities:

First, that its increasing use gives open license to actual racist ideologues to operate and recruit under the cover of the “plausible deniability” established by less ideological young trolls;

Second, any kind of wink-and-nudge interaction with the racist right is a direct route to its normalization.

While the people who flash the sign can always readily claim innocence of any racist intent by attesting that they “only meant it ironically” and that their real purpose was to anger liberals, minorities, and “social justice warriors (SJWs), they can’t so readily escape ethical culpability for their role in the spread of hateful ideologies and their effects, including a global spike in hate crimes.

Nor can they blame members of the minority groups who reasonably find such hand signals potentially threatening for being upset.

Radical fascists have, after all, historically taken advantage of the “marketplace of ideas” as a useful platform for spreading their toxic ideology — the outcome of which always entails the utter destruction of that marketplace and its replacement with authoritarian propaganda. 

When far-right ideologues retreat to a “free speech” defense amid claims of left-wing persecution — which is what memes like the “OK sign” are designed to do — this is always their long-term goal.

So what does it mean when someone flashes the OK sign? In the end, it can mean almost anything, but primarily it’s one of three things:

1.    It can be a harmless use of its traditional meaning that all’s well.
2.    It can be an ironic attempt to troll liberals with a symbol chosen to “trigger” their inner “SJWs.”
3.    It can be a surreptitious way of signaling your presence to other white supremacists.

The first of these (and its most common, but also most declining, use) is harmless. But it can’t credibly be claimed by anyone who has a record of involvement with the many far-right elements that swirl both around the Trump White House and outside it as well. Nor can it be claimed by street-protesting “Proud Boys” chanting far-right slogans.

The second is less directly harmful, but hardly innocent of wreaking havoc. The normalization of the radical right under the rhetorical protection of self-proclaimed “centrists” and “libertarians,” particularly those who spread conspiracy theories and are often labeled the “alt-lite,” is a legacy that could last a generation or longer.

The third is, of course, reflective of a toxic worldview and authoritarian politics, bent primarily on the destruction of liberal democracy. At the moment, it remains the smallest bloc of the three.

My 2 cents: As I said read the three sources and draw your own conclusion. This is great strategy on the part of the Alt-Right and all others connected to that side’s view.

Related from Trump (see next blog post below) more or less advocating violent acts towards those who stand up to him or question him. This is very troubling.  

Clever and seems to be working as they have planned.

Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.

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