Monday, April 15, 2019

Another Trump Weasel Pops Up: AG Barr Must Recuse Himself, Step Aside, or Resign

AG Wm. Barr is Newest Entry to This Trump Spider Web 
(Follow the Money Still Applies)

No, Mr. Barr: You Work for Us & Congress 
Not Vice Versa

Breaking Story: Barr should recuse himself based on this story from Newsweek and thus I ask all Trump loyalists tied to his hip and in denial to carefully examine this story and analysis.

Then we will ask: Why does the truth, based on provable facts that we know and see vs. what GOPer opinions and views do not see as paramount over any factual or truthful issue at hand concerning the Administration of Justice when it involves anything to do with Trump get easily dismissed?

This story seems true and thus Barr should be honorable like former AG Jeff Sessions, that is recuse himself and step aside until this whole affair is resolved and all court cases concerning any Russian involvement are resolved and ASAP if not sooner.

My 2 cents: I say all this because Mueller's probe is not over ... there are many court cases waiting for resolution in the Federal and District and State courts in several locations, e.g., SDNY, EDVA and as far away as California.

I strongly believe indictments in those courts will produce evidence and trials and verdicts that will touch many people close to Trump, e.g., Donald Jr. and Jared Kushner in particular, and probably many more involved and connected to and within the Trump Organization. Time will tell, just stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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