Thursday, April 4, 2019

On FOX: Tried to Be Serious but Failed & Lied Miserably (Nunes, Jordan, and Hannity)

Three Stooges Act Alikes who failed miserably
(See video below, and BTW: I love real 3-Stooges)

Rep. Nunes, Rep. Jordan, and Hannity:  Equal to the three Stooges but NOT in a Stooges’ typical funny way … see in this short clip reported in this fine article from NY Magazine (Intelligencer) and seen here in this video:

Rep. Devin Nunes, Rep. Jim Jordan, Fox's Sean Hannity

My 2 cents:  Overall, just watch the video and to see all three of them spewing a dozen lies between them, well, quite frankly I wanted to barf just listening. Sadly, too, their base loves that sort of crap for surely that is what it it ... B/L: Those three like so many others who have not even seen and read the Mueller report are simply afraid of the truth, plain and simple.

Nunes tries to come across all innocent-like when in fact he has been for a long time Trump’s House butt boy, and that’s why he had to step aside in the Russian probe part as House Intel Committee chairmanNow, we can see that Nunes doesn’t even know the definition of “dossier.” … I hope the voters in his California district finally get fed up and boot him out next cycle.

Same for Jordan in Ohio. He is the GOP’s newest attack dawg, and a very pitiful man.

Thanks for stopping by.

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