Thursday, February 19, 2015

Elected Official "Mustela Nivalis:" Guns on Campus for Gals

NRA and Rightwingnuts on Campus - on the Move

A female Nevada lawmaker (her photo a the link) is sponsoring a bill to legalize guns on college campuses in the state, a measure she says “...could prevent men from sexually assaulting young, hot little girls.”

Many gun rights advocates argue that arming female college students around the country would help reduce sexual assaults. That one in Nevada is GOPer Assemblywoman Michele Fiore.

She said in a recent telephone interview with The New York Times: “If these young, hot little girls on campus have a firearm, I wonder how many men will want to assault them. The sexual assaults that are occurring would go down once these sexual predators get a bullet in their head.”

Spoken like a true redneck goober ässshöle, female aside, still an ässhöle to even propose something this crazy. If a man said that, they would be keelhauled in either Lake Tahoe or Mead and called a sexist.

The utter insanity about saying: “We need more, not less guns” is as asinine as saying: “We need more, not less money in political campaigns.”  

But, leave it to GOPer to advocate for both of those things regardless of the stakes.

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