Monday, June 29, 2015

Texas Weasel: Threat to Texas Sanity (if possible in Texas)

Texas AG Ken Paxton (R) 
(deflecting what - one wonders)

The headline is startling: 

Texas Attorney General Calls USSC Gay Marriage Decision a Lawless Ruling

AG Ken Paxton (his official page) says he will defend state officials refusing to grant same-sex marriage licenses or perform weddings based on religious beliefs.

Here is the “heart” of the “movement” issue that Paxton in Texas and RW Talk Radio are now spreading across GOP la-la land: The landmark 5-4 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges declared same-sex marriage a constitutional right, but Paxton said in a statement that the ruling “...stops at the door of the First Amendment and cannot touch religious freedom."

While critics see this as short-lived political posturing, some conservatives see it as the start of a state's rights movement against the high court's decision on gay marriages.

I noted at Paxton’s homepage this short snippet (Note: He was a Texas State Senator at the time he ran for AG) “… Paxton has consistently been recognized as a conservative, stalwart leader with a deep passion and respect for our U.S. Constitution (my emphasis).” 

Oh, any talk of secession or disobeying a high court decision equals "deep respect for our Constitution?" I see, I see. So, a “pick and choose policy" is what most Texans perceive as best for the country and our rights (which I assume is their rights, too). Only in Texas – yep, only in Texas. Must be the water.

Finally, I say as usual, hang on tight. Plus any more secession talk on top of this crazy-ass “movement talk to dismiss or disobey the high court” leaves me with one thought: Let the pricks secede and take their Bibles with them to, um, let’s see to where? Oh yeah, how about nearby Mexico???  

I hope all level-headed Texans are paying attention to this crap for that is what it is. We are about to see some serious shït folks, and hell, we are not even at 88 miles per hour yet, right Doc. Brown and Marty??

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