Saturday, August 29, 2015

T-rump Appeal to Segments of the GOP: Award Winning Joke of the Century

The "Eyes" Have It (not the Ayes)
(my little play on words)

Even the Trump campaign hat has it backwards, but I bet it’s a big seller with some. I wonder, is there NRA sticker on the back?

So, what is T-rump's “appeal” that so many in the media are harping about? Whatever it is, it’s relatively easy for me to see and explain this way:

His “appeal” is to like-minded people who are just as angry, just as hateful, just as nasty, and just as spitefully mean as he is; that is mostly right-wingers both in speech and actions. They are made up of some people who will vote for anyone like Trump who is a reflection of themselves. But, that person has to be someone maybe who is angrier, more hateful, nastier, and meaner than they are. Then they will worship him like a saint as we now see and hear all across right-wing Talk Radio la-la land.

What the country is seeing right now with Trump is truly the nasty ugly status of the GOP ultra-rightwing today. They are mostly scared people worried about everything and everyone in government who is coming for their guns, Bibles, or pets. They hate our system even as they try to sound like they still live in the original Thirteen Colonies who now support a second American Revolution for their brand of “Real American Patriots.”

All the while they can’t stand others who do not believe the same way they do while blaming everyone in sight who are “destroying the country and only Trump and they can “Make America Great Again.”

FYI: We are great and always have been.  All in all, Trump is like that itch you can’t seem to reach and scratch.  

My B/L: I truly hope the GOP nominates Trump as their party banner carrier for November 2016. That way the Grand Old Party can really show the nation and world who they are and what they really stand for.

The key part: He is a master of staying in the PR limelight centered on one thing: Donald J. Trump. Just look at the way we are talking about him, and only him ... he loves it. Don't believe me, then just ask him.

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