Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Fear and Hype Rx from GOP and Trump: "Fling Wide Net Far, Wide, and Constant"

Let's Not Return to These Days

Is is Really Near
(as T-rump, et al want us to believe)

One or two terrorist-related persons has the nation scared to death and locked into some sort of tailspin. It all reminds me of the old Chinese saying (from Sun Tzu) about how to define terror: “Kill one, frighten 10,000.”
People seek leadership and answers and safety in this heated election cycle that is obvious just assessing the candidate field. Sadly, I believe that we collectively seem to be in a wind tunnel with our piecemeal, knee-jerk reactions without displaying much common sense and poise about most anything.
Finding a common ground, or even if that is possible in this day of massive widespread opinionated society where views abounds across so much of the social network and media sources like on FOX or rightwing talk radio, yet with firebrand opinion and not much positive and certainly no resolution.
The way I see it – or the proverbial bottom line as they say is this: “Who decides what is truth, right, just, or even appropriate for our return to some sort of national unity and positive action that moves us forward and not cowering down in a hole waiting for the end to come (which one of those sandwich signs tell us is near)?”
As I've said as in the past: “Fear sells – until we stop buying it.” At the same time, however, I think that horse may be long gone from that barn, so forget close the door part.

Related news event from North Philadelphia >>>
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Issues Warning >>>
Now, sadly, I predict – watch this sort of thing spread. Fear coupled with warnings like this story shows and then the next step: taking matters in one’s own hands is not the American way, is it? Maybe it is becoming that way.

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