Monday, June 13, 2016

Trump: "Not saying; Maybe Saying; Hell, I will say" Obama Part of Orlando

The man now lower than whale shït...

Trump has lost all sense of decency as well as all his marbles...

Each time Trump opens his yap we expect a collective sigh of relief and hear: “Boy, he can't get any worse or more lowdown than that, right?”

Then, bingo, five-minutes later, or five-hours later he delivers something more stunning and even worse (even if that seems impossible). Cite this on the heels of the awful Orlando nightclub shooting posted here in part from the Atlantic and nearly verbatim with few edits to fit the blog with this dramatic sub-title:

“The Republican nominee has called on the president to resign and implied in no uncertain terms that President Obama may have been implicated in the massacre at a gay bar.”

“In an almost entirely unprecedented moment, Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, suggested in interviews Monday morning that President Obama may have somehow been involved in Sunday’s massacre in Orlando.

Trump’s suggestion came by implication, but the message unmistakable: The president may have somehow known about or been involved in the shooting.

“He doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands — it’s one or the other and either one is unacceptable” (Trump said on Fox News right after he called in a statement last Sunday for Mr. Obama to resign from office). [Now] Trump adds this one day later:

“During an interview on NBC’s Today show, Trump offered a slightly softer version of the accusation, suggesting Obama was willfully blind, saying in part: “There are a lot of people that think maybe he doesn’t want to get it.”

“The idea the president is a Manchurian candidate, a mole, or an agent for Jihadism is a stunning accusation, even by the standard of a presidential campaign in which Trump has delivered a series of breathtaking statements, from comparing a rival to a child molester to being unable and unwilling to differentiate one of his policy ideas from Nazi policies.

“Such conspiratorial beliefs are not unheard of in American politics, but they are typically banished to the margins. For example, some ‘truthers’ have argued that President George W. Bush was either involved in or turned a blind eye to the 9/11 attacks (Note: There’s no substantiation for those claims, and the people who hold them are generally viewed with derision). 

“So, too, are those who have claimed that mass-shooting events such as the Sandy Hook massacre are ‘false flag’ attacks aimed at drumming up support for gun-control measures. The fringe radio host Alex Jones has already labeled Orlando a false flag, offering a sense of who Trump’s allies are on this issue.

“What is unprecedented here is that the claims are coming from a major party’s presumptive nominee for president, but unhinged beliefs about Obama are not especially new, nor are they nearly so fringe.”

Story concludes here. It is stunning to say the least and that word may be the best word to describe Trump, but stunning in a sick, sick, perverted, ugly way.

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