Friday, July 15, 2016

Trump on Nice, France Truck Ramming Massacre: He Will Declare War if Elected

How apropos: Trump is the Trojan Horse's Ass
(Nice fit for sure)

Trump Reacted to the Nice, France Truck Massacre at the French Bastille Celebration Parade Killing some 85 and Injuring over 200 this way: 

He said: “They may be ISIS. This could be the great Trojan horse of all time. I mean, this could be the ultimate Trojan horse.”

Wow - speaking of Trojan horses ... who is climbing on Trump's high horse as it were?

He blames refugees from Syria and other places they are fleeing as not being properly screened; however, refugees undergo one of the most stringent processes to come to the United States. That can take between 18 and 24 months, and the process requires at least 21 steps in which biographic information, biometrics, and documentation are shown, and then they are put under scrutiny for a time, tool.

Trump has long claimed that Muslims and immigrants could bring criminal activities to the United States. In fact, he launched his campaign by deriding Mexican immigrants as rapists, criminals, and drug dealers. 

Soon after Paris attack earlier, he called for a ban on Muslims immigrating into the United States, then he added that all Muslims should be put into a database so that they can be tracked. He has condemned resettling Syrian refugees in the country, using a similar argument that they lack documentation.

Trump told Bill O’Reilly on FOX (where else) that on the basis of his speculation, that this was now a “world war scenario” and, as president, he said he would seek a formal declaration of world war from Congress. “I would. I would. If you look at it, this is war, coming from all different parts. And frankly, it is war and we are dealing with people without uniforms. You know, in the old days, you would have uniforms. You knew who you were fighting.”

Memo for Donald J. Trump: A declaration of war is a formal act by which one state goes to war against another. Our Congress is the only body that can declare war in that regard (cite: Article I, Section 8 of our own constitution).

So, Mr. Trump: “Declare War Against Whom, or more Appropriate Against What?” 

The GOP already declared a “War on Terror” under the last Republican administration. How has that turned out? I mean still today we have troops fighting and dying in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq that has now lasted 15 years – the longest in our history.

It seems painfully clear that Trump is lining us up for America’s version of the “The Hundred Years' War” which was a series of conflicts between the rulers of England and France over the control of France from 1337 to 1453. 

So, I ask: Who would “King Donald the First, Emperor” of his “New America” fight that war and against whom? 

We are not up against any country legally established by any definition like we encountered in the previous two World Wars – so, which country does he want to claim as his next property for personal financial gain and slick marketing strategy, um?

Trump is a madman, pure and simple.

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