Thursday, November 17, 2016

Make America Great Again” Implies We Lost Greatness: Not So, Possibly Soon

Top of the Heap New BFF's 

New ME “Triad” = Iran, Syria, Russia
(Trump wants a piece of their mix)

For all the Trump loyalists and Weasels in La-La Land: Two Major Concerns on the Proverbial Table with Worldwide Implications. With all the nonsense ignorance back and forth coupled with the total “transition” disruption, other turmoil, and downright insider wheeling and dealing and firings ... these two issues have risen to the top of that heap:

#1 and perhaps it is the most worrisome.  This has a potential direct impact on all of humanity itself, worldwide. That is Trump pending ties to Russia in Syria that would keep al-Assad in power and get us closer to Iran, who loves al-Assad and provides a lot stuff to him, all the while millions are murdered and Russia gets a key all-weather port in the ME, and Iran improves their strategic position facing Israel.

... How do I see that? How would or does Trump intend to do that?

I guess use more American air or just bug out and tell “Vlad, the skies are all yours.” How about more American ground troops, then more billions wasted, more pain and agony for our country to benefit Russia, Syria, and Iran, and lost American blood – to cap the last 15 years in that region fighting?

This is very, very troubling to say the least. I am not one to cry wolf or to beat my chest unnecessarily, but quite frankly this scares the shit out of me and it should out of you too. This major concern is based on these two things:

Then sprinkle in this to Putin – which seems to be me to help financial ties Trump has in Russia with Putin woes.

#2, now tied this in with the above. This regards Trump’s views and statement on using and possibly even spreading nuclear weapons worldwide and I surmise for anyone who wants a few? … So, are you scared yet?  

If not review Trump’s history on nukes – in his own words not mine: Trump on the use and possession of nuclear weapons and all that is associated with that horrible topic to help answer this question posed in this excellent article:

“Can we rely on Trump to act with diligence, competence, diplomatic skill, reason, and restraint?”

My short gut response is no. Not when it comes to the nuclear weapons question and problems therein. No is my judgment over doubtful or not possible, etc., and all that was evident in his past statements like these made in his campaign at various places and times on this subject:

“I would bomb the shit out of ’em.” (The crowd in Fort Dodge, Iowa that November 15, 2015 night roared and applauded as he addressed his plan for defeating ISIS).

His complete statement was: “I would bomb the shit out of them. I’d just bomb those suckers. I’d blow up the pipes, I’d blow up the refineries, I’d blow up every single inch — there would be nothing left.”

“I wanna be unpredictable.”  “I love war.”  “I know more about ISIS than the Generals do.” (He then said, “I love war, in a certain way” (Spoken at a rally last November) and also called “nuclear, the power, the devastation ... very important to me.”)

Then his campaign manager, big mouthpiece, Kellyanne Conway, tried walking back his comments… that was weak, very damn weak as reported on here.

These two issues should grab everyone’s attention. And, limp excuses for him, like: “Oh, that’s just him blowing hot air, or it’s politics, or he will evolve into the job and be more rational, etc.” 

Well, I hope so, but my gut and sense tells me, bull, he can’t – all we have seen and heard from Donald J. Trump is scary and all of it is in his DNA – he can’t change – he won’t change – he doesn’t want to change. He wants to control and dominate everything in arm’s reach or in his grasp. 

Now lump it all together into one neat bundle and many experts, much smarter than I am who see the Trump administration days and ways like this: (from Politico).

I end this with a simple old saying or cliché or whatever it’s called: “My God, what have we done?”

Thanks for stopping by for this gloomy post … but you know what? It had to be said – I needed to get this out there and also off my chest. 

Finally, why are we on the verge of losing our past, our American values, our time-tested virtues, and strong and well-known leadership. How come we are on the edge of that abyss ready to fall to the lowest in our history? 

Is this our new destiny? I pray it is not. If so, for what reason? Reaction to a simple political Ad that falsely proclaimed: “Make America Great Again?”

Stay tuned. 

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