Monday, January 2, 2017

North Korea: Again Seeking Attention Like a Spoiled Child Anyway Possible

See, I Told You I Could Still Get It Up 

North Korea's Cadre of Highly-Decorated Generals
(I Hope They All Are Retired)

Kim, Jung-un Inspecting Another Place
(Note Takers Always Busy Nearby)

Here we go once again (two stories here and here) more hot air propaganda from Kim, Jung-un in North Korea with this headline grabbing stunt. This is typically how Kim and his henchmen operate as he tries to get and keep himself and North Korea on the international stage for attention.

He mostly, but those around him to a lesser degree, are like spoiled children, always seeking attention no matter where or about what they want. All those old Generals standing around smiling and holding little notebooks jotting down Kim’s words as the only gospel about anything and everything – which only Kim knows about and that they must 100% agree with – all staged carefully for effect and publication.

North Korea is perhaps the poorest, most-closed, tightly controlled country on Earth. Their people are puppets on a tight string carefully indoctrinated about one thing: Love their “Dear Leader” (one of the Kim’s) and hate for the U.S. That is all they hear from cradle to grave on closely controlled radio and TV but with very little access to anything other than state-run propaganda from “Dear Leader” and those close to and around him – ironfisted they are to umpteenth degree.

North Korea is also very dangerous. They are not a direct threat to us the way they claim to be preparing for (to stop our aggression), but they are to the region, South Korea and Japan (both close U.S. allies) and must be taken serious on certain levels.

The one main level is that they are very unpredictable and always have been whether it was digging of tunnels under the DMZplanting bombs on planesassassination attempt in Burma or in Seoulmurder in the DMZ of American and UN personnel, or planting more landmines in the DMZ. They are a threat on those levels and have been for decades.

Today it’s Kim, Jung-un; it was his father and grandfather before him – they are the only ones who have ever been in total control ever since WWII ended right through the Korean War and until today.

They must be taken seriously even with the hot air bluster they blow to get and keep attention to stay in the limelight with dramatic and outrageous statements.

Examined closely, they are a poor nation, in some aspects never got out of the 19th or 20th Centuries, even as they claim to be “pioneers” in certain fields and areas … they simply are not. Related facts about North Korea.

North Korea thrives on one central theme (note the contrasts): Get and keep attention with staged events always with a Kim in the center or forefront with plenty of glitz and fanfare and little substance…

They do put on a good show, however, all the while their greater population suffers by starving little like rats in a sewer seeking to live on whatever scraps they can muster up to eat and survive another day.

Thanks for coming by - hope you enjoyed this post.

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