Sunday, February 26, 2017

GOP ACA About Face: So, Call GOP Weasels What — Just Plain Weasels

(L) Kellyanne Conway Teeth Clinching Grin – (R) Reality Hits Home

Pretty startling headlines and story here from the Washington Post:

A divided White House still offers little guidance on replacing Obamacare

Highlights from the article – I call it theKasich Effect:”
A meeting on Friday afternoon (February 24th) between President Trump and Ohio GOP Gov. John Kasich (one of his former rivals in the GOP primaries) had no set agenda. But Kasich came armed with one anyway: His hope to blunt drastic changes to the nation’s health-care system envisioned by some conservatives in Washington.
Over the next 45 minutes, according to Kasich and others briefed on the session, the governor made his pitch while the president eagerly called in several top aides and then got HHS Secretary Price on the phone.
At one point, senior adviser Jared Kushner reminded his father-in-law that House Republicans are sketching out a different approach to providing access to coverage than what Kasich outlined: “Well, I like this better,” Trump replied, according to a Kasich adviser.
(I Note: A Rick Perry “Oops” might fit nicely right now, um)?
The freewheeling session, which concluded with the president instructing Price and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus to meet with Kasich the next day, underscores the un­or­tho­dox way the White House is proceeding as Republicans work to dismantle the ACA and try to replace it with something else.
The day after Kasich delivered his impromptu tutorial, Trump spent lunch discussing the same topic with two other GOP governors with a very different vision — Scott Walker (WI) and Rick Scott (FL).
(I Note: Two of the worse of all GOP governors in my view).
Continue this story at the link – pretty amazing to say the least.
As they say, “don’t touch that dial.” Thanks for stopping by.

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