Sunday, March 5, 2017

Lies, Truth, Facts, Opinion, Propaganda, Disinformation: What is Real

From 1917 until Today
(Same old song)

Pull up a chair
(Today's special)

Russian Goals vis-à-vis U.S. Systems (Both Political and Social).

Russian methods and strategy right now here in our homeland is without direct military intervention. Even though right now there is no provable collusion (former DNI Clapper on MTP) between the Trump team, Putin, and the Russians what follows does exist and is in full swing:


• Focus on all political and social structures.
• Harm, but without direct military intervention (only as last resort).
• Plant and Keep internal distrust intact.
• Generate and Spread chaos in all forms of media and communications.
• Cause Discontent within the state for the state as possible.
• Keep Distrust alive and vigorous.
• Ignore and Discount counter-methods to disprove our methods.
• Keep the Heat red hot.

Russian Main Strategy: Disrupt and undermine the entire democratic system and process while professing total ignorance of events while blaming the other side’s internal politics via “Fake News” while blaming “Fake News.”

Compare U.S. and Russian Sides:

¶  Trump bashes the media, hates the media, belittles the media, and yet he needs the media like a drug addict for his next fix to survive and thrive by getting supporters to hate them as much as he does as long as the media is under his control, operated on his term by his way and with his agenda – that or face more of his bashing and ridicule and wrath.

¶  Putin on the other hand already uses the media like his own personal pet e.g., it is: cite the massive world-wide RT media (TV, Radio, Internet, and Print) which is Russian state-funded and state-run and state-controlled. Putin loves the media since they are his tool and they love him too. They either do or off to Siberia or worse for them. Thus the ultimate goals of Putin and Russia without direct military intervention:

1.  Spread hate and discontent.
2.  Instill & preserve internal dissent.
3.  Spread chaos.
4.  Ensure vibrant turmoil.
5.  Maintain doubt and distrust.
6.  Deny and preserve methods.

What we seem to forget about are the goals of the Russians – recap: 

1.  Profit and again from dissent.
2.  Discontent is our tool and friend.
3.  Disinformation is major asset.
4.  Chaos is our “peacemaker.”
5.  Turmoil disrupts systems.
6.  Keep doubt alive and well.

There may not be direct hard evidence of all of the above or current Russian on-going activities right now, but that is why a careful and extensive investigation is needed.

Keep in mind that all see and hear or think we know right now is just smoke and mirrors for the Russians. They need the smoke for concealment, not necessarily cover, but as a distraction from the truth – the facts. Without facts or the truth, the Russians are free to say as they do, and as many here at home also now say while playing into Russian hands, which is precisely what the Russians want to hear:


The bottom line: We don’t know the full truth or as we take pride in saying: The whole truth and nothing but the truth.

With all the above, and sadly, our side has bought into the slick Russian game lock, stock and barrel. So, what is the harm or damage, if any?

Well, I’d simply say, look around and watch and listen to cable TV, Talk Radio, read Alt-Right stuff, check conspiracy sites and read theories from Alex Jones and Mark Levin and Roger Stone and yes, even Stephen Bannon and a few others now either in control of certain factions or damn close to the White House if not already inside.  

Keep in mind that the Russians are pros at this game and have been since the days of Vladimir Lenin when took over in Russia in 1917 under the slogan of “Bread, Peace and Land!” (For everyone) and he was the first USSR leader, too.

Finally: Remember that the Russians are pros at this by their careful design and their time-proven methodology.

Folks, this whole mess is not over. It could get worse. So, how did we allow this to happen and get to this stage? Are we “just too free” some ask? Perhaps, but I’d never change that for anything else; would you?

My other links to Trump Obama wire taps, Trump-Putin ties, and AG Sessions see linked below.

We can and we must do better towards national unity and flush the propaganda out of our lives. We are better than this.

And this related article from (I put out in full here). It is a very good read.

Thanks for stopping by. A lot to read and follow — hope this helps.

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