Sunday, April 16, 2017

Another Mental Health Evaluation: Donald J. Trump Not Left Wing Doctor

Krauthammer is Right Wing Conservative Who Appears on FOX 
(More on his professional bio below)

Trump needs to go to war somewhere, anywhere and on his terms to prove the size of this manhood or other body part size. War is a perfect way to show that manliness.

Then at some point he will tell us on his terms probably via another political rally or some crazy-ass tweet that he, and he alone, can end the war basically as he said once before that “I alone am the only one who can solve our problems, no one else just me (sic)(seen here).”  

Everything he has done in his nearly 100 days in office does one thing he worships most of all: It keeps him where he needs to be, where he thrives to be, and where he strives to be all the time: At the center of attention and controlling events and media around him.

How about this professional evaluation and BTW by someone trained in assessing mental issues, Charles Krauthammer: He is a medically-trained psychiatrist who is a skilled doctor that specializes in psychiatry which is the branch of medicine that is devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders.

He nails Trump perfectly, don’t you think?

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