Monday, April 3, 2017

Intersection Between Facts and Trump-World: Which Way Are We Heading

Sign of the Times: “Right or Left Way” for the Country
(Not Political Ideology)

This most-interesting timeline story about Trump’s efforts and aim to “undue everything Obama.”

WASHINGTON (AP) — Amid the turmoil over staff shake-ups, blocked travel bans, and the Russia scandal cloud hanging over him, Trump is steadily plugging away at major pieces of his agenda: “Undo Everything Obama.” That is effort to wipe every trace of Obama. Remove anything that shows he was a decent man served very effective as president – so shame on Trump. But, it hasn't all been smooth sailing since Russia still hangs over Trump’s head and Obama never had anything like touch him – nothing. Trump failed to fulfill his key signature pledge” “to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act” but Trump and Ryan couldn't Republicans to back new health care legislation, they pulled it.
Trump did have some outcomes (at least in his view) in some areas: 
CLIMATE CHANGE:  Trump signed another EO to deliver on his pledge to unravel efforts to curb global warming with this order to a full review of the Clean Power Plan, Obama's chief effort to curb carbon emissions by restricting greenhouse gas emissions at coal-fired power plants. Trump also lifted a 14-month-old halt on new coal leases on federal lands. The Obama administration had imposed a three-year freeze on such leases in January of last year. The executive order covers a range of other Obama-era rules, including requirements to factor the "social cost" of carbon emissions into all regulatory actions and to crack down on methane emissions at oil and gas wells. Business groups had complained to Trump, himself a businessman, that the rules were intrusive and expensive.
INTERNET PRIVACY (a big 4th Amendment Issue for Sure): Trump is expected to sign a bill to block online privacy regulations the FCC issued under Obama's final months in office. Damage: A first step toward allowing internet providers to sell information about their customers' browsing habits w/o subscriber’s permission or approval. The FCC rule was designed to give consumers more control over how companies like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon share on-line browsing information. Critics complained that the rule would have increased costs, stifled innovation, and picked winners and losers among internet companies. W/H PR guru, Sean Spicer says the rule represents “federal overreach” and that Mr. Trump had pledged as a candidate to reverse.
ABORTION/FAMILY PLANNING: Trump is expected to sign legislation erasing another Obama rule, one that barred states from withholding federal family planning funds from Planned Parenthood affiliates and other clinics that provide abortions. The rule was finalized shortly before Obama left office in January, and this measure cleared the Senate with VP Pence called in to cast the tie-breaking 51st vote in the 100-member chamber, not the passage per se, but a rule provision to proceed with the bill – which in and of itself was highly and historically irregular – VP votes to break a tie on bills for passage not Senate rules and processes.
KEYSTONE XL OIL PIPELINE: Trump greenlighted the long-delayed project reversing Obama's decision less than 18 months earlier. After Trump invited TransCanada, the Canadian company building the $8 billion pipeline, to resubmit its application, the State Department approved the project, saying it would advance U.S. national interests. Obama had said the project would not. Approval came nearly a decade after TransCanada applied to complete the 1,700-mile (2,735 kilometers) pipeline to carry oil from tar sands in Alberta, Canada, to refineries along the Texas Gulf Coast. Trump says the project will reduce costs and reliance on foreign oil, and create thousands of jobs (which are only temp jobs at best with less than 50 full time jobs in the end).
DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE: Under Obama, the Army Corps of Engineers had declined in December to allow pipeline construction under South Dakota's Lake Oahe on grounds that alternate routes needed to be considered. Native American tribes had sued to block construction, arguing that the pipeline threatened their water supply and cultural sites. However, it has moved forward again under Trump, who acted shortly after taking office. In February, the Army Corps of Engineers abandoned further study and granted an easement that was needed to complete the pipeline. Energy Transfer Partners immediately began drilling under the lake.
FUEL EFFICIENCY STANDARDS: The Trump administration is re-examining federal requirements governing the fuel efficiency of cars and trucks. In 2012, the Obama administration set fuel economy regulations for model years 2017-2025 and agreed to complete a midterm evaluation by next year. Then, days before Obama left office, the EPA decided to keep stringent requirements it had set in place for model years 2022-2025. The auto industry balked. Trump announced he's putting the midterm review back on track requiring EPA to determine NLT April 2018 whether the 2022-2025 standards are appropriate or not.
TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP (TPP): Obama backed the agreement involving for the U.S. and 11 other Pacific Rim nations. The Senate needed to ratify it, but bi-partisan opposition doomed it even before Obama left office. Trump railed against the agreement and pledged to withdraw from it, saying he was a better negotiator and could strike better deals. We then withdrew from TPP.
ABORTION/MEXICO CITY POLICY: Trump reinstated the ban on providing federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or provide information about them. Obama had lifted the ban when he took office in 2009. Known as the “Mexico City Policy” or, by critics, as the “Global gag rule,” the regulation has been a political volleyball, instituted by Republican administrations and rescinded by Democratic ones since 1984. Trump signed it one day after the 44th anniversary of the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States. The policy also prohibits taxpayer funding for groups that lobby to legalize abortion or promote it as a family planning method.
PERSONAL FINANCE: Trump has instructed the DOL to delay an Obama-era rule that would require financial professionals who charge commissions to put their clients' best interests first when advising them on retirement investments under the “fiduciary rule” was aimed at blocking consultants from steering clients toward investments with higher commissions and fees that can eat away at retirement savings. (Note: The financial services industry argued that the rule would limit retirees' investment choices by forcing asset managers to steer them to low-risk options. Undoing that rule was part of a promised assault by Trump on banking rules enacted after the Great Recession.
I add: The greedy SOB’s got their way with the “W/H businessman.”
Also Trump directed Treasury to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial oversight law, which he has said is a disaster. (Note: That law's aim was to keep banks from repeating practices that many blamed for the financial meltdown of 2008).

So, which way are heading now? More importantly, which way should we be heading: Forward or backward?

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