Caught flat-footed,
red-handed, and lying like a rug
Sean Hannity
and Fox News are both big name bullshitters, par excellence and now: WELL, IT'S RETRACTION time as reported on here by NBC
News announced Tuesday (May 23rd) that it had retracted a story
published last week that reignited conspiracy theories around the unsolved
killing of DNC staffer Seth Rich, whose family demanded an apology from the
conservative Fox news network.
the same day, the conspiracy's most prominent proponent, Fox News' Sean Hannity,
announced on his show that he would stop discussing the case “for now.” It was
a major back-down for a prominent host who had used his Twitter account earlier to vow he
would never be silenced by “Liberal Fascism.”
said he made the decision to go mum on the killing “out of respect for the
family's wishes,” but he also hinted that he had pressure from bosses at Fox
News, where he noted he was under contract.
Rich's family published a Washington Post op-ed in the Washington Post
hours before Hannity's show pleading that people stop politicizing their son's
death. The op-ed did not mention Hannity's name, but Aaron Rich, Seth's
brother, exchanged emails with Hannity earlier in the day, the host said and a
family spokesperson confirmed.
1. Fox News, citing a single
unnamed FBI source, had reported that Rich, who was murdered last year in
Washington, DC was a potential source of internal DNC emails published by WikiLeaks
last summer, thus implying that he was then assassinated for the leak.
2. The report immediately caught fire among Trump supporters as a preferable
alternative explanation to the one put forward by U.S. law
enforcement and intelligence officials, who have always maintained that Russian
hackers were behind the breach.
Note: And, boy oh boy, were they ever
wrong, Seth's death is still an unsolved robbery-murder case).
Even former
House Speaker Newt Gingrich amplified the conspiracy theory on Fox News Sunday
(May 21st). Then by Tuesday, Fox retracts the story.
Ironically, Keith Olbermann on his GQ show had just published a fine analysis of the entire BS story along with great logic and key points that tore the entire Fox/Hannity story to pieces in 9-minutes. That fine segment is here from YouTube:

So, bad timing or just plain dumb luck, um, Fox? Also, noteworthy is how the public now
truly sees Murdoch and his Fox den of liars who are totally unfair and unbalanced and apparently unhinged as many of us already knew.
Uncle Ruppy Murdoch
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