Thursday, June 8, 2017

Trump Facial Expression: Resolve, Stern, Power, Authority, or Dumbass

Smirks R Us

Dumbass Tweets Runs in the Family

As fired FBI Director James Comey delivered dramatic testimony to the Senate intelligence committee on Thursday, President Trump was silent on Twitter. He was reportedly watching at the White House with his legal team and close advisers.
By noon, Trump Jr. had tweeted 30 times, including retweets from other accounts. The headlines:
“Flynn stuff is BS” tweets Don Jr. during Comey testimony
Trump Jr. took particular issue with Comey’s testimony that the president asked him to end the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Comey testified that the president told him of an investigation into Flynn, “I hope you can let this thing go.”
Trump Jr. seized on the word “hope” as evidence it was not as forceful a statement as Comey took it to be. Apparently this definition will not suffice for Don Jr., fruit of the dumbass loin.

Hope (noun): A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Hope (verb): Want something to happen or be the case.

Ah ha….

“He hoped I would take the job.”
‘My hopes are high about the investigation going my way.”
“I hope she will say yes, when I propose.”
“I hope you can shoot the bear before it attacks us.”
“I hope you didn’t really rob that 7-11 store.”
“I hope you will love me when I’m 80.”
“Boy, I hope this parachute opens.”
“I hope the Marine beach assault is successful and our losses are minimal.”
“Okay, Don, Jr., hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills first.”
As for me, I have never seen a family this greedy, this much in debt, this much living above their means and all on a pack of lies of about how rich and smart and business savvy they are ... it's a boat load of horseshit. 

BTW: I wonder how much time each day they stand in front of a mirror and practice that silly dumbass facial expression?

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