Monday, July 24, 2017

Trump: Unprepared, Undisciplined, Undignified, Uncouth, Unbearable

No, we might respect you and not merely the office – try it and see

Trump tweet the same day Kushner testifies behind closed doors

 Name-calling may be your forte, but it is not dignified

Based solely on the total performance (or lack thereof) of  Donald J. Trump since January 20, 2007, it remains true in my view and I suspect in the view of millions of others, that he is unbelievably unprepared to lead or represent our country. 

He is a total disgrace to the office and giving him even an ounce of respect is nearly impossible, either as our president or “the leader of the free world” (a title U.S. presidents hold), and even on the world stage right now to a large extent.

The word novice is too weak of a word even for him. A better word fit might be brute, bully, and insult agent.

His latest tweets on top of hundreds of other nasty and insulting tweets – two tweets cited above – underscore the need to remove him from office. In a single word Mr. Trump is a total disgrace to the office.

I stand by this assessment and belief and even though one may dislike or disagree with any president or any other elected or appointed member of government, restraint in name-calling has always been my standard, but in this case of Donald J. Trump as our president, I make an exception to that standard.

Never in my life have I or we for that matter ever seen a man so unfit for this office, even days before he took the oath of office and now more so since then and only a mere 6 months ago.

Thanks for stopping by – I hope I have not offended any reader – that was no my intent.

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