Thursday, August 10, 2017

Trump Dives into Shallow End of Empty Pool and Rates It As a 10

The Face of a Man Who Thinks Nuclear War is a Passing Fad 

Donald J. Trump is impulsive, erratic, unprepared, but one man who has the sole control over the nuclear codes.

Background: Many of his supporters still today as before have acknowledged that he is erratic yet they still voted for him and still support and stick by him today. 

The obvious question is why?

Many people presumed he would settle down once in office thus becoming presidential and less crazy in his taunts as a cocoon of security advisers around him would keep him in check. 

Clearly, that presumption was wrong and remains wrong more so today with more and more of his nuclear war threats while competing with Kim, Jung-un - already a basket case himself. 

So, where are those close kit security advisers to keep him in check?

About those advisers who will keep him in check, well - quite frankly, they are nowhere in sight and besides, raw reality is setting in to test that theory. 

More and more Americans are coming to conclusions both predictable and surprising regarding his latest round of “fire and fury the likes the world has never seen” threats to nuke North Korea is clearly evidence of this president gone over the edge and has lost all his mental faculties.

He is fulfilling expectations of someone who lashes out dangerously at real and perceived challengers. Now he raises more so the risk of a nuclear war while proving time and again he is not capable of problem solving with a deft hand at diplomacy that we have grown to expect from sound thinkers in our presidents. He lacks that skill.

Conversely, his defenders see all this as him simply working from the gut, with admirable instincts to protect the nation, and take pride in American power. 

Recall these from Trump while he was campaigning:

“I would bomb the shit out of them. I want to be unpredictable. I love war.”

“We have nuclear weapons – why can't we use nuclear weapons?”

“Then why are we making them” he responded to a Chris Matthews question in an interview.

Even back in October 2016, voters made it clear that they trusted Hillary Clinton vastly more than Trump on the use of nuclear weapons by a 57 to 31 percent margin – and that poll was conducted by FOX News.

This is worse than the 13 days in October 1963 known as the Cuban missile crisis... by far worse. 

JFK was level-headed. 

Donald J. Trump is empty-headed.

This probably will not end well for mankind in general.

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