Thursday, August 3, 2017

Trumpworld: “One-man/One-vote” v. “One-Man/My Rule” Obey or Leave

Trump likes Aussie “Immigrant Merit” system – but wants this model

Introduction: Trump wants his version of a new immigration policy (see below) – based on the Aussie model he likes and all the statements he and his advisers have made on this subject – perhaps the Aussie model or EU model are not so hot – I suggest based on what he has said and tried to do – adopt the model shown above – that way he gets total, 100%, absolute control – which is a DNA-based Trump gene anyway.

Background – which we all pretty much know and have accepted since our forefathers landed here is this basic school lesson:

The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. Many of the people who settled in the New World came to escape religious persecution. The Pilgrims, founders of Plymouth, Massachusetts, arrived in 1620. In both Virginia and Massachusetts, the colonists flourished with some assistance from Native Americans.

Many since, and I’d argue most, came here if not broke nearly so and with only the clothes on their backs. Every immigrant since helped made America GREAT. 

What we do not need not is this lopsided, biased and bigoted immigration proposal now floating in the W/H with Trump keen support.  

In nearly 400 years, immigrants have had different reasons to come to America – but mostly they all share one common thread:

1. To escape war,
2. For the freedoms we always broadcast most proudly,
3.  To practice any religion of their choice,
4. For the opportunity to own land, and
5. To have a choice and chance to work, escape poverty, raise a family, and live freely.

Now Trump along with many who share his same “racist bigoted views” plan to end all that by adopting the Australian model based (or so it seems) – one based on “a merit system” for all new legal immigrants. That in essence curbs American citizens’ ability to bring family members here to live with or alongside them. 

Thus, a sick parent, disabled brother or sister, or young relative would not be welcome. Nope – no can do. “Signed Donald J. Trump.”

(MY SHORT MEMO FOR MR. TRUMP: We ARE NOT Australia. We broke free from that Crown and are no longer under a Queen or King. Australia governs itself through its PM, but Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, is still the monarch, and thus since Australia is a constitutional monarchy, the queen has power over them).

Now Trump says:It is a basic principle that those seeking to enter a country ought to be able to support themselves financially.”

(I wonder: Did Trump relatives come here rich – did the former Drumpf family, before they changed their name to Trump, all speak fancy. skilled English and did they all have fancy graduate degrees and money dripping out of their suitcases when they arrived”

(I Note: I can’t wait to hear his version of that. My ancestors did not arrive the way he wants immigrants to arrive in the future – re: his new rule – and I’m sure the readers here forefathers did not, either.

This Trump approach — making sure new immigrants are not a burden on the country’s safety net and are able to prosper financially — is at the core of Australia’s immigration laws.

Trump wants “a points-based system, which favors people based on their English proficiency and the skills they have to fill needed jobs, and an employer-nomination system, which allows businesses to sponsor people for jobs.”

Under this Trump plan proposed by two Republican senators (Cotton from AR and Purdue from GA), applicants for legal residency in the United States would be judged on the basis of education, language and job abilities, favoring those who can speak English.

They would be able to financially support themselves and have skills that contribute to the economy. Currently, most legal immigrants are admitted to the United States based on family ties to those already in the country.

This all ties in with the nasty display in the W/H by that moron Stephen Miller – a senior aide who ranted a hot tongue to a CNN reporter:  “One of the things I think is the most compelling about the Australian system is the efforts to make sure that immigrants are financially self-sufficient.” 

Miller continued:We are establishing a new entry system that’s points-based: Can they support themselves and their families financially? Do they have a skill that will add to the U.S. economy? Are they being paid a high wage?”

(Q for Miller: Where did your rich ancestors come from, um?)

Yeah this Stephen Miller: Miller was a controversial presence on Duke’s campus, writing columns for the college newspaper attacking feminists, atheists, liberals, and beneficiaries of affirmative action at Duke and all in stark raw terms.

He went on to work for then-Alabama senator and now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions after his stint at university.

That landed him in the Trump orbit. Miller has been one of the most ardent backers of the “nationalist-populist” agenda seen as the brainchild of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon. Those two also collaborated on one of the new administration’s most controversial executive orders – the so-called Muslim ban.

One word applies to this latest from Trump is: “Un-American.” And, Sens. Cotton and Purdue should be ashamed, too.

Stay tuned.

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