Monday, September 18, 2017

Trump Above All Else Always Markets the Trump Brand (Now at the UN)

Opening words before his main UN speech was Trump Tower praise
(Totally astonishing)

Story from ABC News and TPM here – more to follow on this later I am sure. 

The headlines are startling:

First Words at UN Trump Praises the “Trump-Branded Condo (Trump Tower) Next Door”
Trump opened his first remarks at the UN by complimenting the Trump-branded property across the street (Trump Tower) in his first remarks right after he thanked everyone for his invitation saying this:
“I actually saw great potential right across the street, to be honest with you, and it was only for the reason that the United Nations was here that that turned out to be such a successful project.” (Note: Trump World Tower is across 1st Avenue from the UN, between East 47th and 48th streets in NYC). 

US-UN Ambassador former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) introduced Trump by saying:  “he has a businessman’s eye for seeing potential, and he sees great potential not just in this (UN) reform movement, but in the United Nations itself.”

Trump precise words are here - the man has no shame, no skills, no finesse, nada, nothing, nil, zip, zero ... even called the UN Secretary General António Guterres (Gootiris). seen and heard at the 3:00 mark - astonishing:

My Notes: Trump cannot help himself … constantly marketing his name anywhere, anytime, and to anyone listening – his family takes that same path.

Again, he is trying to run the country as a whole like a new business endeavor he just acquired through some other “shady deal.” Only now he plays to the on the world stage with his “un-reality show.”

Thanks for coming by. Come again.

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