Saturday, July 28, 2018

What Michael Cohen's Claim Could Mean for Donald Trump Jr. (And Trump as Well)

Biggest news to date: Lawyer turns on Trump and Vice Versa

I wanted to update what is going on the constant (24/7) news cycle that we can’t seem to keep up with regarding “The Trump-Russian” mess in the last part of this post.

This post’s related headline comes from CNN (Trump’s most-hated network) – worth reading.

Overall background up to this point: I suspect that when S/C Mueller's final report is delivered to Dep AG Rod Rosenstein and he in turn gives it to Congress – and NOT to the White House – and then they will public hearings, that all that will leave no doubt (if any are still held at that point anyway) that the evidence will be overwhelming and backed by reams and reams of hard undisputed evidence about the full depth of this evil, nasty, corrupt Trump administration from top to bottom – mostly at the very top – will fold like a $2.00 suitcase.

Then everything falls on this all GOP-run congress – assumes they are still in charge at the time – will have no choice but to impeach and remove Trump, but I also suspect just like Richard Nixon did that seems more likely, Trump will resign and dozens of others en masse will follow him out the door – some hopefully to end up in Leavenworth in KS (yeah, the Federal prison).

Then the Rev. Pence and his handler, his wife Karen, will take over... but, the price will be the highest in American history and the country may never totally recover from Jan 20, 2017 while wondering what and how the Rev. Pence will take over.

All this is my best educated long-time professional estimate.

Now on top of all that is this inhumane policy from Trump still in place that is un-American, horrible by any standard, and never expected from America: That is their weak effort to reunite children taken from their parents who came here illegally with no end in sight or so it seems. This is a super first-hand look at that mess – here is the article from the Huffington Post with this summary and I ask anyone with children many under the age of 5 this question: What if this were you and your child?

Finally reunited

Many parents go into near total shock if their small child gets lost in a Mall, at the playground, in a park, or at an amusement center – image those parents now.

From the Huffington Post article summary:

Watching children and parents shuffle down the hallway (many of them carrying few to no belongings and showing little to no emotion), then seeing them off to board a flight that will take them to a U.S. relative is a transformative experience. The last words these families often tell volunteers before they venture out into the vastness of this nation they hope to someday call home is: “Thank you for caring about us.”

Some of these families are going to nearby states like Utah. Others, as far as Rhode Island. Regardless of where their travels take them, immigrants and their families often undergo a transformative experience ― for the better. Their faces reflect a small yet mighty sense of hope, renewed by every volunteer they’ve encountered since their release from detention. That, of course, is a reward to everyone aiding these families here in Phoenix.

But another, very different kind of transformation is occurring with regard to how this country deals with immigrants and refugees. And this transformation is for the worse. Trump ― and his anti-immigrant and racist policies ― are still unleashing fear and terror on migrant families.

On the Trump administration once again missed a court-imposed deadline to reunify migrant children with their parents. And it would be easy to dismiss this as just another of Trump and his incompetent staff’s bumbling failures. However, the underlying reason for all this administration’s immigration policies is simple: brutal and unforgiving cruelty toward any kind of foreigner.

Preparing to leave a child, leaving together, or both staying

My 2 cents: This article from The Atlantic is a good ending to this post for today with this headlines as an opening:

The Republican Party Moves from Family Values to White Nationalism

The migrant crisis signals an end to one era for the GOP — and the terrifying start of a new one.”

Thanks for stopping by – end in sight – doesn’t seem likely, does it?

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