Thursday, August 30, 2018

Trump to North Korea Here 'ya Go: My Part of Our Singapore Deal — Where is Yours

Marine Corps (U.S. & ROK) operational training exercise
(Probably near Pohang, South Korea)

SEOUL (from the NY TIMES) — For six decades, joint exercises held by the militaries of South Korea and the United States have been the most visible and celebrated display of the alliance. The training exercises are always broadcast on prime-time television, and they have been a frequent reminder for South Koreans of how much the country depends on the alliance for its security.

Now they are dealing with a jarring new reality: an American president who does not like the drills, at least in part because they cost too much

Trump, who in June suspended the exercises after meeting with the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, reaffirmed his misgivings on Wednesday, saying he saw “no reason at this time to be spending large amounts of money on joint U.S.-South Korea war games.”

His remarks on Twitter came a day after Defense Secretary Jim Mattis seemed to open the door to resuming the drills. Mr. Trump said he could do so “instantly” if he chose, and that, if he did, the joint exercises would be “far bigger than ever before.”

(I Note: That is so much like Trump: Fluff himself after inflicting damage and then covering his ass by backtracking and blaming others for his damage).

My 2 cents: Trump is clearly out of control, in way in over his head, lacks any government knowledge or even a basic understanding of the Federal system, and he keeps trying to run the country like another segment of this latest reality show and keep the spotlight on him anyway possible, or as a new housing project for the rich only...!!!

This move on his part is dangerous and plays right into the hands of North Korea … their two longtime goals: (1) End the exercises saying they were just plans to invade North Korea, and (2) get U.S. Forces moved out of the South.

If Trump stopping these critical joint training exercises between the U.S. and ROK after all these decades will somehow bring North Korea to the “peace table” then that is the most fool-hearted thing and thinking that Trump has ever proposed. 

Far worse would be his possible second move (e.g.., the total withdrawal of all U.S. Forces from Korea).

Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.

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