Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Trump's Nasty Bigotry, Hatred, Lies, and Ugliness About Obama: Boomerangs Back

(Since assuming office)

Introduction to the nasty Trump insults of Obama: But first this documented history of what Trump's side has said about Obama:

Raw and Shows the Real GOP

Let’s face it, Donald Trump is obsessed with Barack Obama. 

If he could, he’d like to completely erase Obama off the books (according to The New York Times).

Trump actually used Obama to come onto the political scene by attacking him. Trump became popular with others who disliked him.

Other examples:

1.    Trump questioned Obama’s birthplace, his academic, and literary pedigree.
2.    Trump was head cheerleader of the racial “birther” lie.
3.    Trump cast doubt on whether Obama attended the schools he attended or even whether he wrote his acclaimed books.
4.    Trump said his inauguration crowd size exceeded Obama’s.
5.    Trump said falsely that Obama “tapped” his lines (Trump Tower phones).
6.    Trump said in August 2017 that it was Obama who colluded with the Russians not himself.

Also related anti-Obama hatred and conspiracy theories here from Mother Jones.


The main story for today might require a dozen or so Rick Perry “Oops to set the scene – enjoy and hang on tight.

Washington (AFP) - A military academy that Donald Trump attended as a teenager concealed his academic records in 2011 in response to pressure from Trump allies.

The New York Military Academy (Washington Post) came under such pressure after Trump challenged then President Barack Obama to release his own academic records, with Trump saying he was surprised such a “terrible student got into Ivy League Schools.”

Trump spent five years at the military academy starting in the fall of 1959. He has said his parents concluded he needed more discipline.

Evan Jones, the headmaster of the military academy at the time, told the Post that the superintendent of the private school “came to me in a panic because he had been accosted by prominent, wealthy alumni of the school who were Mr. Trump's friends and wanted to keep his academic records secret.”

Jeffrey Coverdale, the school's superintendent, or director, at the time told the POST that he rejected a request from members of the school's board of trustees to hand over Trump's records to them and added: “I moved the records elsewhere on campus where they could not be released. It’s the only time I ever moved an alumnus’s records.

Michael Cohen testified to a House Oversight Committee last week that one of his jobs was to threaten lawsuits against the schools that Trump attended so they would never release his grades. 

Jones said he did not know if the original request to obtain Trump's records at the military academy came from Cohen. 

Jones said he found the records in a filing cabinet in the basement of a building on the campus, which is about an hour's drive north of NYC. 

Jones recalled telling his boss:I don’t know if we should be doing this. He told me that several wealthy alumni, including a close friend of Trump, were putting a lot of pressure on the administration to put the record in their custody for safekeeping.”

My 2 cents: How to spell hypocrite = “Donald J. Trump and GOP.”

Thanks for stopping by.

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