Saturday, April 13, 2019

Donald J. Trump vs. Kim Jung-un Tennis Match: Kim Up and Winning 40 - No Love

Kim Jung-Un Framing the De-nuke Issue for Trump
(Caution: Who is more radical)

North Korea's Kim willing to meet Trump a third time but gives U.S. an end-of-year deadline

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un said he is willing to meet with Trump for a third time for nuclear talks — if Washington comes to the table with the “correct posture and meets a year-end deadline for a bold decision from the U.S.”

In a dispatch carried by the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) Kim said he wouldn’t welcome a repeat of the Hanoi summit in February, when Trump walked out without securing a nuclear disarmament deal. 

While hailing his relationship with Trump, Kim also said the U.S. has been makinggangster-like unilateral demands and should abandon that approach,” adding:If the U.S. adopts a correct posture and comes forward for the third DPRK-U.S. summit with a certain methodology that can be shared with us, we can think of holding one more talks. Anyway, we will wait for a bold decision from the U.S. with patience till the end of this year, but I think it will definitely be difficult to get such a good opportunity as the previous summit.”

The North Korean leader’s comments suggest he is eager to restart stalled negotiations despite his cryptic threat earlier to explore a new path if crippling sanctions remained in place. That threat, as well as warnings by senior North Korean officials after the Hanoi breakdown, stoked fears of a return to missile launches and nuclear tests.

Trump, for his part, said the door to dialogue remains open and that a summit could happen, but he also continued to maintain a hard line on the easing of sanctions and rejected calls to revive economic projects between North and South Korea (that ROK President Moon Jae-in recently suggested).

My 2 cents: Trump “Art of the Con” failure 101 – Kim Jung-un controlling the platform NOT Trump.

Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.

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