Monday, April 1, 2019

Trump Feels Vindicated: Again Attacks Everything Obama Vis-à-Vis ACA (Obama-care)

Looks and Sounds Redux GOP B.S.
(Witch Hunt Round II)

Keeping His Anti-Obama Base in Tow
(They do know what ACA is, right) 


Last week Trump backtracked on pushing to totally repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – commonly known as Obamacare – despite the GOP's previous inability to put forward alternatives that wouldn’t leave more people uninsured or increase insurance premiums. He further says we'll do it after the 2020 election when GOP keeps the Senate, takes back the House, and he keeps his seat, too.

Note: Tons of laughter is approved.

Trump has turned his focus to his re-election in the days since he [apparently] has emerged unscathed from Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. 

He again mounts an [old] “fresh attack” to totally repeal Obamacare on his new victory lap.

With the weight of the 22-month investigation lifted, Trump held his first political rally since Mueller submitted his final report and AG Barre’s 4-page summary. Before a crowd of supporters in politically critical Grand Rapids, MI he again assailed Democrats and the media for the investigation what he still repeatedly demonizes as a “Witch Hunt.”

Now as Trump, and DEMS seeking to unseat him, carve out positions on key policy issues, and more so as the 2018 midterm landslide shows, the voters still choose health care and the future of Obamacare as their #1 issue of concern.

Trump’s first policy move since the release of Mueller’s findings was to wade back into that health care morass. Plus, now his DOJ has shifted its position on a Texas lawsuit seeking to invalidate parts of the ACA agreeing with a Federal judge down there who ruled that the law is unconstitutional and should be scrapped entirely. 

Trump’s 2020 campaign slogan is “Promises Made, Promises Kept,” and he appears aware that his failure to repeal Obamacare remains one of the most prominent pledges he hasn’t fulfilled.

Trump has stated openly:We are going to be the Republicans, the party of great health care. The Democrats, they let you down. They came up with Obamacare and it is terrible.”

However, DEMS have so far welcomed a fight over health care. It paid off for them in 2018 and may again.  

My 2 cents: Also related to Trump and the behind-the-scene-work on this effort, is my earlier post on this same subject seen here (maybe the proposed Trump-GOP bill's name). 

We shall see. More later, for sure. Thanks for stopping by.

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