Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Trump Up Close Analysis: Mental Health Expert Research for Public Consideration

Listen Up, Fake News — I'm #1 and Nothing Else or
No One Else Matters

Trump has no concept of reality – below is a mental health analysis of him (one of many) posted here from Salon.com and here originally from Raw Story.com. Below is a key part I am using the introduction (emphasis is mine):

Raw Story:Trump criticized Omar for apparently taking 9/11 lightly. Yet the President himself famously joked about how his buildings were tallest post 911. And of course his infamous lie about watching Muslims in New Jersey celebrate.”

* Dr. Ellyn Uram Kaschak:A clear pattern with this president is that he accuses others of what he himself does, and it is one of the things that he does with great consistency. Far from tolerating hypocrisy, he revels in it. He should not be expected to tell the truth, as it is not even in the realm of his imagination to do so.”

“In this case, Mr. Trump has first managed to accuse Rep. Omar of not being outraged enough about the 9/11 attack, when it was he himself who lied about what he saw in New Jersey and bragged about the consequences for himself and his buildings.”

“Additionally, he managed to turn his own lying and bullying of her into a problem for Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. He has managed his most skillful trick, a psychological sleight of hand, moving the focus of the mainstream media from his dishonest aggression to the inability of the Democrats to defend her properly.”

“What is of concern to him is how any incident reflects on him and can be used to enhance his own image and power. The more his strategies are successful, as they have been, the more potentially dangerous he becomes. It is crucially important for this last point to be understood by as many citizens as possible.”

He is playing games with their emotions, deadly games that might lead to something unimaginably disastrous.”

* Ellyn Uram Kaschak, Ph.D., is one of the founders of Feminist Psychology. She has been on the faculties of San Jose State University, the Universidad Nacional, and the University for Peace in Costa Rica. She is the past Chair of the Feminist Therapy Institute, a Fellow of five American Psychological Association Divisions, and the recipient of numerous awards. 

She contributed her insights on gender and race matters to: “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Professionals Assess a President,” (edited by Dr. Bandy X. Lee) which was recently released alongside a major conference on presidential fitness in Washington, DC here from dangerouscase.org and it includes a 3-hour C-SPAN video presentation posted below – the educated opinions are most-noteworthy:

Washington, DC 
(March 19, 2019)

My 2 cents: Those two fine and very penetrating articles are in full at the two links above. They need to be read and studied, and if possible passed around to as many open-minded people as possible.

They are critically important as we enter the 2020 election cycle to fully comprehend who Trump truly is and what he does or does stand for and the danger he poses to our entire democratic set of principles and structure.

Thanks for stopping by.

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