Friday, May 24, 2019

"Government of the People, by the People, for the People": Trump Exempts Himself

Fox in the White House: Pushing Sweetheart Deals


How one company used a FOX-centric PR strategy to try to get Trump to give it a lucrative federal contract for Trump’s wall

Highlights: Fox News has unprecedented influence over President Donald Trump’s decision-making. Trump’s worldview is shaped by the hours of propagandistic and sycophantic programming he often watches in a day, as well as his private consultations with many of the network’s stars on a wide variety of topics. 

As a result, Fox’s commentators have at times dictated the president’s policy agenda and political strategy, harnessed the news cycle by directing his attention to their particular obsessions, provided staffers for his administration, and hand-picked the recipients of his pardons.

And now, the network is emerging as a platform that can determine who could receive hefty federal contracts.

The Washington Post reported that Trump has “alarmed military commanders and Department of Homeland Security officials” by aggressively lobbying them to grant a border wall contract to Fisher Industries, a ND-based construction company whose CEO, Tommy Fisher, has regularly appeared on FOX and other conservative outlets to promote his company’s bid.

Related story coverage:

My 2 cents: Not a corrupt president, right – ha … cue the laughter now might be the right time.

Another pitiful and pathetic chapter in American political history from perhaps the greatest con-artist and scheme ever.

Thanks for stopping.

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